1. The Department of Basic Education (DBE) has issued Circular S3 of 2013, announcing the delay in the introduction of folklore to Grade 12 African languages’ literature components until 2015.
2. Circular S3 states that the FET Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) makes provision for the teaching of an additional genre, namely folklore, as an alternative to the study of a novel in Grade 12 at Home Language level in the nine African languages.
3. In Grade 12, folklore currently forms part of the Oral component (Paper 4) and, as a result, there are no folklore titles on the current list of literary works prescribed for Paper 2 (Literature) in 2014. To rectify this, the DBE is currently compiling a list of folklore anthologies for the nine African languages.
4. Due to severe financial constraints that provinces are facing in providing textbooks for all learners in 2014, the Council of Education Ministers has decided to postpone the introduction of folklore to Grade 12 African languages’ literature components until 2015, when new prescribed lists for novels and short stories will be introduced.
5. Please bring the content of this minute to the attention of all teachers of African languages responsible for preparing candidates for the National Senior Certificate examinations.

DATE: 2013:05:10