1. The 25th May is commemorated annually throughout Africa as "Africa Day".
2. The purpose of commemorating Africa Day is to celebrate African History, languages and cultural diversity, and to acknowledge our shared African identity and membership of the African Union (AU).
3. Principals and teachers are requested to use assembly time during the week preceeding Africa Day (20 – 24 May) to celebrate our shared African identity and to make learners aware of the history and significance of this day for all Africans.
4. Where possible, teachers are encouraged to plan curriculum compliant lessons, during the week, which inform learners about aspects of Africa or celebrate the achievement of Africans.
5. A resource pack has been prepared (Annexure A) with some materials which could be used in an Africa Day Celebration Assembly or curriculum compliant lessons.
6. If you need further information about this matter, please contact Dr K. Angier, Senior Curriculm Planner: History, at e-mail address kate.angier@westerncape.gov.za or telephone number 021 467 2251.
7. Kindly bring the content of this minute to the attention of relevant personnel.

DATE: 2013:05:10

Annexure A  (size: 53 KB)