1. The increasing number of examination irregularities is of great concern to the Western Cape Education department (WCED).
2. Through various advocacies the WCED has cautioned candidates against engaging in irregular activities during the writing of examinations. Despite these efforts, a number of candidates still continue to copy, carry their cell phones into the examination room and disrupt the examinations. The outcome of this is that the results are declared null and void in terms of Section 4, subsection 2 of the Regulations Pertaining to the Conduct, Administration and Management of Assessment for the National Senior Certificate. Candidates are hence barred from writing the examinations for a period of one to three years.
3. It is important that school principals warn their learners regularly about the consequences of dishonesty or irregular activities during the writing of the NSC examinations.
4. Common examination irregularities and the relevant sanctions are provided in the table below:

No. Irregularity Sanction to be applied or action to be taken by WCED
(a) Candidate found in possession of unauthorised material during the examination (e.g. notes, memo)
  • The candidate’s result for that examination question paper will be declared null and void.
  • The candidate may be barred from a minimum of one to a maximum of three subsequent NSC examinations, excluding the supplementary NSC examinations.
(b) Candidate found in possession of an unauthorised electronic device (e.g. cell phone, programmable calculator) during the examination
  • The candidate’s result for that examination question paper will be declared null and void.
  • The candidate may be barred from a minimum of one to a maximum of three subsequent NSC examinations, excluding the supplementary NSC examinations.
(c) Candidate caught copying or obtaining help from a fellow candidate
  • The candidate’s result for that examination question paper will be declared null and void.
  • The candidate may be barred from a minimum of one to a maximum of three subsequent NSC examinations, excluding the supplementary NSC examinations.
  • If there is evidence of collusion, the candidate offering the assistance may also be barred from a minimum of one to a maximum of three subsequent NSC examinations, excluding the supplementary NSC examinations.
(d) Crib notes discovered in the examination answer book at the marking centre or candidate found in possession of crib notes whilst writing the examination
  • The candidate’s result for that examination question paper will be declared null and void.
  • The candidate will be barred from a minimum of one to a maximum of three subsequent NSC examinations, excluding the supplementary NSC examinations.
(e) An examination answer book or examination answer sheet removed from the examination room and submitted at a later stage
  • The candidate will be awarded "0" for the particular answer sheet/answer book that was removed from the examination venue.
(f) Submission of work that is not the candidate’s own work
  • The candidate’s result for that examination question paper will be declared null and void.
(g) Creating a disturbance, intimidation, intoxication, disregarding the arrangements and/or the instructions of the invigilator
  • The candidate must be warned and, if he or she persists with the behaviour or action, the candidate must be removed from the examination venue and will forfeit the opportunity to continue writing that examination question paper.
  • The candidate’s result for that examination question paper will be declared null and void.
  • Criminal charges may be institued against the candidate concerned.
(h) Candidate writing personal, improper or impertinent remarks, or making obscene drawings in the examination answer book
  • The candidate’s result for that examination question paper will be declared null and void.
5. Please bring this information to the attention of all candidates who will be writing the NSC examinations, as well as their parents.

DATE: 2013:05:23