1. The Annual National Assessments (ANA) are scheduled to be written from 10 to 13 September 2013 by all ordinary public schools, state subsidised independent schools and certain special schools.
2. The Department of Basic Education has produced exemplar questions for each grade and subject. These exemplar questions are not tests, but a variety of questions that schools can use to assist learners to prepare for the ANA.
3. The range of exemplar questions in each subject and grade also reflects the scope of subject content that must be covered for the 2013 ANA.
4. By answering as many questions as possible, learners will gain confidence in answering questions structured in different ways and will be better prepared for the 2013 ANA.
5. These exemplar questions are also models of the kinds of questions that teachers can use in their school-based assessments.
6. To access the exemplar questions on the Internet, go to http://wced.school.za/home/home.html and then
click on "Teaching/Curriculum Support",
click on "Assessment Management",
click on "GET Assessment" ,
click on "Annual National Assessments",
click on "Annual National Assessments 2013",and
"Annual National Assessment Exemplar Questions".
7. Senior curriculum planners and curriculum advisers at both provincial and district levels are expected to assist teachers to use the exemplar questions to develop their learners’ confidence when writing the ANAs.
8. Principals and curriculum advisers are kindly requested to bring the content of this minute to the attention of the teachers concerned.

DATE: 2013:08:12