1. Introduction
1.1 The purpose of this minute is to inform all district offices and schools about the procedure for the procurement of furniture and equipment.
1.2 The Western Cape Education Department (WCED) has a three-year furniture contract with suppliers to supply furniture to all schools in the Western Cape Province. This contract involves 31 school-furniture items. Schools are requested to adhere to the recommended list of items on the attached WCED 026A form.
1.3 Items of equipment in WCED 026B form are advertised on Trade World, via the SourceLink electronic purchasing system.

2. Procedure for procurement of equipment and furniture for new schools
2.1 The education district office must compile and submit a requisition for a new school to Head Office. This must be done no later than 4 months before the opening of the school.
2.2 The following documents must accompany each application for equipment and furniture for a new school:

  • A completed WCED 026A form for furniture
  • A completed WCED 026B form for equipment
  • A letter of approval for the opening of the new school
3. Procedure for procurement of equipment and furniture for existing schools (top-ups)
3.1 All requests for equipment and furniture from such schools should be submitted by 15 February 2013 to the relevant IMG manager.
3.2 The following documents must accompany the applications for equipment and furniture (top-ups) submitted by existing schools:

  • A completed WCED 026A (Furniture) requisition form
  • A completed WCED 026B (Equipment) requisition form
    (Both forms must be validated and signed by the IMG manager.)
  • A technical report, in the case of replacement of equipment
3.3 District directors must evaluate furniture and equipment needs in all circuits and compile a prioritised list. The priority list must be sent to the Chief Directorate: Districts by 15 March 2013 for approval and signing.
3.4 District offices will notify schools as to whether their requests were successful, amended or turned down.
3.5 The Directorate: Institutional Resource Support will place orders for requested furniture with contracted suppliers at the beginning of the financial year. The suppliers normally deliver within 4 to 6 weeks of the order date.
3.6 Schools must not order furniture or equipment directly from suppliers if the intention is that the WCED must pay for the items. The payment for such orders will be for the account of the school.

4. Management of furniture and equipment at schools
4.1 Schools must establish a procurement committee which will be responsible for keeping updated records of equipment and furniture. (See the guidelines, Basic Financial Systems for Schools.)
4.2 Obsolete furniture must be written off and removed after a decision has been taken at a disposal meeting. The minutes must record such a decision and must be available for monitoring purposes.
4.3 Broken furniture which can still be repaired must be properly stored to prevent further damage.
4.4 Updated inventory records (learner enrolment per class, available equipment and furniture, shortages) which verify the need for top-ups must be made available on request. In order to safeguard assets against theft, schools are encouraged to mark all equipment and furniture items, especially the plastic hall chairs.

DATE: 2012:11:05

WCED 026A form  (size: 24 KB)
WCED 026B form  (size: 21 KB)