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The national Department of Basic Education has drawn up national guidelines for the election of school governing bodies so as to ensure conformity in the nomination and election processes for governing bodies at public schools in all provinces. |
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These national guidelines differ from the existing measures relating to the constitution and functions of governing bodies of ordinary public schools issued by the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) and published in Provincial Gazette Extraordinary 6519 of 20 May 2008, and amended by Provincial Notice 138/2009 in Provincial Gazette No. 6624 of 24 April 2009. The provincial measures have therefore been amended accordingly. |
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The national guidelines also differ from the existing measures relating to governing bodies of public schools for learners with special educational needs, as published in Provincial Gazette Extraordinary 6554 of 12 September 2008. These provincial measures have also been amended accordingly. |
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These amendments to both sets of provincial measures were published in Provincial Gazette 6951 of 10 February 2012. A copy of these published amendments is attached.
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Kindly bring the contents of this minute to the attention of chairpersons of governing bodies and all concerned. |
DATE: 2012:02:24