1. Introduction
The Member of the Executive Council (MEC) in terms of sections 9 and 19(2) of the AET Act 2000 (Act No 52 of 2000) has determined matters relating to the election of members to a governing body of a public AET centre and the guidelines for the establishment, election and functions of a representative council of learners (refer to Provincial Gazette Extraordinary No. 6984 of 24 May 2012).

Furthermore, Provincial Guidelines, in line with the Provincial Gazette, were developed and subsequently distributed to facilitate governing body elections (refer to IMGP Minute 0012/2012).

2. End of term of office
The terms of office of all public AET Centre Governing Bodies (CGBs), including recently elected governing bodies, will expire in this current year, 2012. New CGBs will have to be elected in all public centres.

Elections of new CGBs are due to begin on Wednesday, 1 August 2012 and must be concluded by 31 August 2012.

3. Training for Electoral Officers
Training for all electoral officers (i.e. IMG Heads, AET IMG Managers and Centre Managers) will take place on 28 and 29 June 2012 at CTLI. Further details on the training programme will be provided in due course.
4. Handing-over process
After the constituting of the new CGB, the outgoing CGB must officially hand over all CGB files and other relevant documents to the new CGB. The centre manager, as a member of both the outgoing and the new CGB, must ensure that the correct handing-over process is followed. The appropriate hand-over documents and certificate (see Annexure A) must be completed and signed by the relevant persons.
5. Constitution for a governing body
In terms of section 8(7) of the AET Act, 2000, a governing body of a public centre functions in terms of a constitution which must comply with the minimum requirements determined by the MEC (refer to Provincial Gazette 6984 of 24 May 2012). Newly elected CGBs are reminded to either ratify the existing constitution or, if necessary, make amendments to it. If amendments are made to the constitution, a copy of the revised constitution must be submitted to the relevant district office, for record purposes, within 90 days of the first meeting of the new CGB.
6. Kindly bring the contents of this minute to the attention of all concerned.

DATE: 2012:06:21

Adult Basic Education and Training Act 52 of 2000  (size: 477 KB)
Provincial Gazette Extraordinary No. 6984  (size: 338 KB)
Annexure A: Handover certificate from outgoing CGB chairperson to newly elected CGB chairperson  (size: 30 KB)