1. The Member of the Executive Council (MEC) for Education in the Western Cape approved, and signed on the 5th of April 2012, the following documents:

  • Minimum Requirements for a Constitution of a Governing Body of a Public Centre

  • Matters Relating to the Election of Members to a Governing Body of a Public Centre and Guidelines for the Establishment, Election and Functions of a Representative Council of Learners of a Public Centre
  • 2. These documents were subsequently published for general information in the Western Cape Provincial Gazette Extraordinary No. 6984 of 24 May 2012.

    3. Following the publication of the above-mentioned Provincial Gazette, provincial guidelines to facilitate public AET centre governing body elections were developed in line with the Provincial Gazette and subsequently approved.

    4. The electronic version of these Provincial Guidelines is attached, together with that of the Provincial Gazette which may also be found on the WCED website at http://wced.pgwc.gov.za

    5. It would be appreciated if you would bring the above documents to the attention of all concerned.

    DATE: 2012:06:08

    Provincial Gazette Extraordinary No. 6984  (size: 338 KB)
    Provincial Guidelines  (size: 223 KB)