1. A Career Awareness Week is planned for 8 to 12 October 2012 to strengthen the ability of learners to make informed decisions about their future careers. This is an opportunity for Life Orientation teachers to complete the "World of Work" section of their syllabus.
2. The target group is Senior Phase learners.
3. The purpose of this Career Awareness Week is to make learners in Grades 7 to 9 aware of the importance of selecting the correct subjects for Grade 10. During this week schools are encouraged to focus on activities that will guide learners to make informed decisions about their future career pathways.
4. Life Orientation teachers are encouraged to plan activities for this week that focus on the "World of Work".
5. Grade 7

Grade 7 learners could focus on a week-long project that would culminate in a career dress-up activity. This means that in this engagement with their future careers, learners will come to school dressed up to represent their future careers. This activity should take place during Life Orientation periods.

6. Grade 8

Grade 8 learners should focus on career activities that will enable them to recognise their own strengths, talents, limitations and abilities in particular subjects. See Annexure A for some ideas.

7. Grade 9

The WCED intends to take a sample of 98 schools with Grade 9 learners and focus on their readiness to make their subject choices for Grade 10. This will be done by means of a Career Self-exploration questionnaire (PACE Career Centre) that will help learners to explore their possible future careers. This questionnaire will give them, as well as their teachers and parents, some insight into their possible strengths and inclination towards specific fields of study and relevant subject choices. These schools will be notified of the pilot. In the remaining schools the Grade 9 learners should follow the same programme as for Grade 8. From 2013 all Grade 9 learners will complete the Career Self-exploration questionnaire.

8. If you need further information about this matter, please contact Mr J Sitzer, Senior Planner: Life Orientation GET, at e-mail address Joey.Sitzer@westerncape.gov.za or telephone number 021 467 2199.
9. Kindly bring the content of this minute to the attention of all relevant personnel.

DATE: 2012:09:11

Annexure A: Life Orientation (GET) – Ideas for Grades 7 to 9 Career Awareness Week  (size: 24 KB)