1. The Centralised Education Management Information System (CEMIS) is the official learner registration database of the WCED and is used for the following:

  • Grade 12 National Senior Certificate examinations registration
  • Annual National Assessments (ANAs)
  • WCED's Systemic Tests for Grades 3, 6 and 9 (Note that for these tests each learner's details, including the language of learning and teaching [LOLT], are printed on the answer books and learners may not change such details.)
  • Norms and Standard funding allocation
  • School staff establishment determination
  • SNAP and Annual Survey compilations
  • Workbook and LTSM calculations
  • Learner transport verification
  • Collection of quarterly learner attendance returns from ordinary and special schools
  • Completion of education planning and reporting on strategic documents
  • Provision of audit evidence to the Attorney-General
  • Tracking of learner progression and movement through the school education system
2. School principals are requested to verify the accuracy of their data as it is currently saved on the CEMIS in order to ensure accurateness in the planning and administration of the activities listed above.

3. The LOLT Verification Report on the CEMIS must be used to verify the LOLT for every class and learner. The report can be accessed by pointing to ASSESSMENTS on the CEMIS menu and clicking on LOLT Verification. The learner numbers per class and the LOLT numbers displayed will allow you to detect any LOLT errors. The numbers are hyperlinked and, when clicked, will take you to a screen where you can CORRECT the LOLT of the learners. Such corrections must be made before 29 July 2011.

4. The WCED Systemic Tests are scheduled for 12 to 25 October 2011. Grades 3, 6 and 9 learner details should be verified by 29 July 2011 because tests scripts will be printed after that date, using the corrected CEMIS information. CEMIS data will be barcoded on the individualized test and answer books, and must therefore be 100% correct to ensure smooth test administration.

5. When verifying the data, please ensure that:

  • each learner is in the correct grade and class;
  • the LOLT of each learner is correct; and
  • the CEMIS sign-off screen is completed by the school principal by 29 July 2011 to confirm LOLT verification.
6. The involvement and management by the principal of the CEMIS data cleaning and capturing process cannot be over-emphasized. The principal must direct the process for efficiency and accountability.

7. For assistance, you may call your district or provincial CEMIS support official. The CEMIS toll-free number is 0800 204 800.

DATE: 2011:06:21