1. The Department of Basic Education (DBE) will be providing Workbooks for Grades R-9, Supplementary Mathematics and Physical Sciences Textbooks for Grades 10-12 and Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) documents for Foundation Phase and Grade 10 educators.

2. The 2012 workbooks to be delivered to schools are:

  • Grade R Resource Packs;
  • Grades 1-6 Home Language workbooks;
  • Grades 1-9 Mathematics workbooks;
  • Grades 1-6 English First Additional Language workbooks and
  • Grades 1-3 Life Skills workbooks in LoLT.
3. Workbooks and Textbooks will be delivered directly to schools according to the following plan:

  • Workbook Volume 1: Grades R - 9 and Grades 10 -12 Mathematics and Physical Sciences Supplementary Textbooks will be delivered by end January 2012; and

  • Workbook Volume 2: Grades 1- 9 will be delivered by end March 2012.
4. The CAPS documents will be delivered to schools between 9 - 31 January 2012. Schools with foundation phase classes received CDs with the CAPS documents during the training sessions in October.

5. Schools may also download the CAPS documents from the DBE website http://www.education.gov.za

6. Principals are requested to assign a staff member to receive, check and sign the proof of delivery upon receipt of the items and to oversee immediate distribution to learners.

7. Workbooks must be used by learners to complete tasks for lessons taught. National, Provincial and District officials will be monitoring delivery and use of the workbooks from early in 2012.

DATE: 2011:12:08