1. |
Approval has been granted for the upward adaptation of the minimum income limit for the means test (Addendum A) from R25 000 to R60 000 per annum for the calculating of boarding bursaries to needy learners who board at hostels at-tached to state schools, as from 1 January 2012. |
2. |
When calculating the parent's contribution in terms of the means test, only bio-logical children and foster children (learners who are officially in foster care and placed there by foster parents) must be accepted as dependants. |
3. |
A parent who, on account of his/her income qualifies for the total exemption from the payment of the specified boarding fees, will still have to make a contri-bution of R14-00 per term, notwithstanding the fact that he/she is exempted from making any contribution according to the means test in the Addendum. |
4. |
The content of this circular minute must be brought to the attention of all con-cerned. |
DATE: 2011:11:18