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The Department of Basic Education and the nine provincial education departments will be organising the South African Schools' Choral Eisteddfod (SASCE) for primary and secondary schools in 2011. |
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The eisteddfod makes provision for soloists, ensembles and school choirs in the following sections:
- Foundation Phase
- Intermediate Phase
- Senior Phase
- Further Education and Training Band
3. |
Music has been prescribed for all sections. Choirs which do not wish to participate in the categories for prescribed music may offer songs of their choice. |
4. |
District elimination rounds will be held during April and May. The best district Intermediate-, Senior- and FET choirs and soloists will be invited to take part in the provincial finals, which will be held in Cape Town from 13 to 15 May 2011. |
5. |
The best choirs and soloists of each province will be invited to represent their respective provinces at the national finals in Pretoria from 30 June to 3 July 2011. |
6. |
The music scores can be downloaded from the website of the Department of Basic Education at www.education.gov.za
- Click: Thutong Portal
- Click: Curriculum and Examination
- Click: School Enrichment
- Download the music and the participation rules.
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The WCED has also produced sound recordings of the prescribed music that may be downloaded from the WCED website at http://curriculum.wcape.school.za/ under the Music Downloads. |
8. |
Training workshops for choir directors are currently being conducted in the education districts. A second round of workshops is scheduled for March and during the April holidays. |
9. |
All school choirs are encouraged to participate in the eisteddfod. To enter, please complete the registration form and fax or e-mail it by 31 March 2011 to your district office at the relevant fax number or e-mail address below.
10. |
Please bring the contents of the minute to the attention of all school choir directors. |
DATE: 2011:03:11