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The Western Cape Education Department's HIV/AIDS Life Skills Education Programme Unit wishes to bring to the attention of all learners, WCED employees and parents that 1 December 2011 is International World AIDS Day. World AIDS Day is important to
- preventing the spread of the HIV;
- providing care and support for learners infected and affected by HIV/AIDS;
- protecting the quality of education;
- combating prejudice, stigma and discrimination;
- increasing awareness; and
- managing a coherent response.
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The theme for 2011 is "Getting to Zero". World AIDS Day 2011 is about "Getting to Zero" - zero new HIV infections, zero discrimination and zero AIDS-related deaths. Our political leaders have pledged to work towards universal access to HIV/AIDS treatment, prevention and care, recognising these as fundamental human rights. Violations of human rights fuel the spread of HIV, putting an increasing number of orphans, vulnerable children, drug and alcohol abusers and the youth in our country particularly at risk. |
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According to the National Youth Risk Survey, conducted by the Medical Research Council in 2008, 37.5% of our learner population( Grades 8-11) have engaged in sexual activity, 19% have become pregnant, 17.7% have had a child, 8.2% have had abortions, and 4.4% have had sexually transmitted infections. In addition, 41% use alcohol and 9.3% were offered or have bought drugs, both of which are associated with risky sexual behaviour. |
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For the above reasons, the WCED and its HIV/AIDS Life Skills Education Programme Unit are concerned about learners involved in such risky behaviour and applaud those who have made responsible choices for their well-being. |
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World AIDS Day provides an opportunity for all learners, teachers, school governing bodies, parents and other school stakeholders to take action and ensure that human rights are protected, and that our schools focus on promoting prevention, treatment, care, the physical and psychological safety of all learners, and the elimination of stigma, discrimination, sexual harassment and abuse. |
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Our schools are centres of care and support to our learners, ensuring that each learner reaches their full potential. The WCED wishes to thank all school principals, teachers, learners and parents who, throughout 2011, have shown their commitment and dedication to fighting the HIV scourge that is plaguing our country. |
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You are once again encouraged to focus on World AIDS Day and to use your enthusiasm and creativity to present programmes, activities and events for World AIDS Day on 1 December 2011. |
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Should any school require support with regards to World AIDS Day programmes or activities, do not hesitate to contact the WCED HIV/AIDS Programme manager, Loretta Erasmus, at loerasmu@pgwc.gov.za |
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Please bring the contents of this minute to the attention of all concerned. |
DATE: 2011:11:01