1. |
Applications are invited from teachers, curriculum advisers and senior curriculum planners who qualify for appointment as internal moderators, chief markers, deputy chief markers and markers for the National Senior Certificate (NSC) Examinations of November 2011 and the March 2012 supplementary examinations (where applicable). Officials who were appointed and marked in December 2010 need not apply for the above-mentioned positions since the 2010 appointments will be reviewed in terms of the criteria applicable to the appointment of markers for 2011. The list of NSC subjects and question papers is attached as Annexure A. |
2. |
Criteria for the appointment of chief markers, deputy chief markers and internal moderators |
2.1 |
All applicants must be in possession of a recognised three-year post Senior Certificate qualification, which must include the relevant subject at least at second-year level, but preferably at third-year level. |
2.2 |
Applicants for the position of internal moderators and chief marker must have a minimum of 8 years' teaching experience and at least 5 years' experience in teaching the subject concerned at Grade 12 level. |
2.3 |
Applicants for the position of deputy chief marker must have at least 5 years' experience as a marker and a minimum of 2 years' experience as a senior marker in the subject for which an application is being made. |
2.4 |
All applicants must also have taught the subject on a full-time basis for at least two of the following years: 2009, 2010 and 2011. Preference will be given to teachers currently teaching the National Curriculum Statement to Grade 12 candidates. |
2.5 |
In the case of chief markers, experience as a moderator, chief marker or deputy chief marker in previous years is a requirement. |
2.6 |
In the case of internal moderators, experience as a moderator or chief marker in previous years is a requirement. |
3. |
Criteria for the appointment of markers |
3.1 |
All applicants must be in possession of a recognised three-year post Senior Certificate qualification, which must include the relevant subject of at least second-year level, but preferably third-year level. |
3.2 |
Applicants must have a minimum of 2 years' experience in teaching the subject concerned at Grade 12 level. They must also have taught the subject on a full-time basis for at least two of the following years: 2009, 2010 and 2011. Preference will be given to teachers currently teaching the National Curriculum Statement to Grade 12 candidates.
4. |
General criteria applicable to all applicants
4.1 |
Applicants must be in service on a full-time basis at an institution that prepares candidates for the NSC examinations set by the Department of Basic Education and administered by the Western Cape Education Department (WCED). |
4.2 |
In order to ensure a high standard of marking and to avoid the appointment of incompetent markers, the WCED will consider only those applicants whose school achieved a pass rate of at least 70% in the subject applied for. |
4.3 |
All applicants, including curriculum advisers and senior curriculum planners, will be subjected to a competency test in the subject for which an application is being made. |
4.4 |
Applicants who apply to mark Paper 2 (Literature) in the Languages must have read and made a study of all works prescribed for the examination, and not only those books studied by the candidates at their own schools. |
4.5 |
Applicants who have indicated their intention to resign or retire, and who will terminate their services with the WCED by 30 September 2011, will not be considered for appointment as a moderator, chief marker, deputy chief marker or marker except in cases where the teacher concerned is to be appointed on a full-time basis at an independent school and is teaching the subject concerned. |
4.6 |
A person who is on leave during the period leading up to the marking period and inclusive thereof, will have his or her appointment as a moderator, chief marker, deputy chief marker or marker terminated. A person, who, by the end of the year, has been on leave for more than 50 days, will also have his or her appointment terminated. This applies to all types of leave. |
4.7 |
Persons who have a relative (i.e. son, daughter, brother or sister) who will be writing the NSC examination in the subject for which the application is being considered, do not qualify for appointment as internal moderator, chief marker or deputy chief marker. However, such persons may apply for the position of marker in that subject. |
4.8 |
Persons who have a candidate for the NSC examinations living with them who will be writing the NSC examination in the subject for which the application is being considered, do not qualify for appointment as internal moderator, chief marker or deputy chief marker, However, such persons may apply for the position of marker in that subject. |
4.9 |
The WCED will terminate the appointment of any appointed person who does not perform satisfactorily in the execution of his or her responsibilities during any of the above-mentioned marking periods. |
4.10 |
The final decision as to the appointment of internal moderators, chief markers, deputy chief markers and markers rests with the Superintendent-General of the WCED. |
5. |
Heads of institutions are kindly requested to encourage teachers who fulfil the above requirements to apply for the positions of chief markers, deputy chief markers or internal moderators. |
6. |
The Department will appoint one internal moderator, one chief marker and one deputy chief marker in each subject with a large number of candidates. |
7. |
Submission of applications |
7.1 |
All applications must be made on the attached application form (Annexure B) and must be accompanied by the following:
- A covering letter in which the applicant gives his or her reasons for applying for the position.
- A completed Declaration Form, a copy of which is attached to this minute as Annexure C.
7.2 |
All new applicants must attach the following documents to their application forms:
- Curriculum vitae
- Certified copy of identity document
- Certified copy/copies of academic study record(s)
- Certified copy/copies of qualification certificate(s)
7.3 |
Applications must be submitted to the following address:
Head: Education Attention: Mr M Cameron Directorate: Examinations Administration Western Cape Education Department 4th Floor Grand Central Towers Lower Parliament Street CAPE TOWN 8001
Applications must reach the WCED by 6 May 2011. Should you have any enquiries, please contact Mr M Cameron at tel. no. 021 467 2964 or Mr N Riddles at tel. no. 021 467 2992.
8. |
Successful applicants will be notified in writing of their appointments and will be required to sign a contract with the WCED. Further correspondence regarding the marking process will then follow. |
9. |
Arrangements for the marking period |
9.1 |
All marking will be done at a venue or venues in or near Cape Town, as determined by the WCED. |
9.2 |
The dates of the marking period will be confirmed later. Markers must ensure that all their school-related marking and administrative tasks have been completed before the commencement of marking. |
9.3 |
Markers will be expected to mark scripts for at least 8 hours a day. This excludes time set aside for meals and tea breaks. The marking centre will be open for marking from 06:00 to 22:00 daily. |
10. |
The marking tariff for each paper will be made available as soon as it is received from the Department of Basic Education. |
11. |
The marking of the NSC examination scripts is one of the most important functions of the examination process. The WCED takes pride in its appointment of qualified and competent markers. Principals and other senior officials who recommend markers must, therefore, act in good faith. Please note that supplying incorrect information on the application form will be regarded as fraud and will be dealt with in terms of the Employment of Educators Act. |
12. |
It is imperative that principals, education district directors, IMG managers and curriculum advisers bring this minute to the attention of all teachers so that they are familiar with the appointment criteria before submitting applications. The Directorate: Examinations Administration cannot accept responsibility if teachers are not informed of the content of this minute. |
13. |
The attached acknowledgement of receipt of this minute (Annexure D) must be completed by the school principal and returned to the WCED. |
14. |
The WCED relies on your co-operation and support in this important matter. |
DATE: 2011:04:15