1. The Western Cape Education Department (WCED) is committed to ongoing support and strengthening of the teaching of Natural Sciences in the Intermediate Phase and Grade 7.
2. The Directorate: Curriculum GET is pleased to announce that 217 quintile one schools and six district offices will each receive a Natural Sciences kit in a mobile trolley unit. A list of recipients is attached as ADDENDUM A. The contents of the Natural Sciences kit are listed in ADDENDUM B. In addition, each drawer of the Natural Sciences kit will have laminated pictures of the items with labels to assist teachers to maintain an inventory.
3. School principals, heads of department for Natural Sciences and subject heads should ensure that the correct contents of the Natural Sciences kit are delivered to their schools by Edutrade, the service provider.
4. The Natural Sciences kits will be delivered to schools during the period 21 November 2011 to 10 February 2012.
5. The Natural Sciences curriculum advisers and lead teachers in the districts will be trained in 2012 how to use of the equipment. Districts will then plan to roll out training to all the schools that received the science kits in 2012. Schools that do not know how to use equipment in the science kit should keep it in a secure place until they have been trained.
6. The WCED trusts that these Natural Science kits will enhance teaching and learning by promoting authentic practical work. It is essential for learners themselves to do and grasp the experiments as they are now compulsory with CAPS. For this to happen, the teacher must explain concepts and procedures effectively. In this way science becomes 'Hands On, Minds On and, Words On'. This will steadily promote and develop the confidence of the teachers and learners while increasing the number of learners who want to pursue Natural Sciences careers.
7. Enquiries may be directed to Ms S Rampou, telephone number: 021 467 2237 and email: Suanne.Rampou@pgwc.gov.za and Ms Zaahida Hartley, for QIDS UP, telephone number: 021 467 9357 and email: Zaahida.Hartley@pgwc.gov.za.
8. Principals are kindly requested to bring the contents of this minute to the attention of all Natural Sciences teachers.

DATE: 2011:11:22

Six (6) districts to receive the natural sciences kit  (size: 30 KB)
Addendum A: List of recipients  (size: 78 KB)
Addendum B: Contents in each unit  (size: 102 KB)