1. Background

Curriculum Minute DCG 0012/2011 gave notice of the plan for the introduction of Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statements (CAPS) in the Foundation Phase.

This minute serves as a second communiqué to inform schools and education district offices of the Western Cape Education Department (WCED)'s arrangements for teacher training, as well as orientation sessions for school principals and relevant deputy principals.

2. Teacher Training
2.1 Dates and times

Teacher training for all Grades 1 to 3 Foundation Phase teachers begins on Monday, 3 October and ends on Wednesday, 5 October 2011. Training will begin at 08:00 and end at 16:00 daily. Registration will take place between 07:30 and 08:00 on the first day. Participants are required to attend all training sessions over the 3 days to ensure that the full scope of the content is understood.

2.2 Registration

Schools are required to register Foundation Phase and learning-support teacher attendance on Annexure B. Logistics will be planned according to this information. Please complete in full, and return by no later than 28 September 2011 to the district GET co-ordinator. (See details on Annexure B.)

2.3 Documents to bring

Teachers are requested to bring to the training sessions hard copies of the CAPS documents per subject (Home Language, First Additional Language, Mathematics and Life Skills). In the event that these documents have not been received from the national Department of Basic Education, schools should use the CD containing the draft CAPS for each subject (which will be delivered to each school) to download and print a hard copy. Enough copies must be printed to enable teachers from a school to participate in the group work.

2.4 Venues
2.4.1 Each education district office has arranged training venues per circuit. (See Annexure A for list of venues.) District offices will inform each school of its training venue.
2.4.2 Morning refreshments and a light lunch will be provided at the training.
2.5 Travel

A travel allowance will be paid, subject to the following conditions:

  • Full workshop attendance is confirmed.
  • At least 40 km per round trip per day is travelled (public and private transport).
  • The claim must not exceed 180 km per round trip per day. Teachers having to travel more than 180 km per round trip per day may register for accommodation. (See Annexure B.)

Claims will be assessed according to the following criteria:

Use of own car As far as possible, teachers must share transport.
Only the driver or owner of the vehicle may claim for the kilometres travelled.
Any passengers must be listed.
A standard rate of R1.50 per kilometre will be paid. Engine capacity will not apply.
Use of shared transport in a private vehicle Only the driver or owner of the vehicle may claim for the kilometres travelled. Any passengers must be listed. A standard rate of R1.50 per kilometre will be paid. Engine capacity will not apply.
Use of shared transport in a bus or minibus provided by the school The school may either use its own bus and claim for kilometres travelled or arrange for the hire of a vehicle according to the cheapest quotation and pay the contractor. Quotations must be submitted to the district GET co-ordinator and approved before a contract is entered into. In the case of hiring a vehicle, the WCED will reimburse the school upon receipt of signed documentation. Teachers should arrange a group pick-up at a central point.
Use of public transport e.g. taxi, bus, train, but not metered taxis Claims must indicate the start and end point of each leg of the journey. Reimbursements will be made according to standard rates. Evidence (tickets) may be requested by the claims official in order to validate the claim.
2.6 Accommodation and meals

Accommodation and meals (dinner and breakfast) will be made available on the following basis:

  • The distance to the training venue must be in excess of 180 km per round trip per day.
  • Full training course attendance is confirmed.
  • Checking-in takes place on 3 October 2011 (Day 1), unless specified otherwise by the district GET co-ordinator.
  • A written application for accommodation has been submitted to the district GET co-ordinator
  • The application has been approved in writing by the district GET co-ordinator.

Types of accommodation that qualify for reimbursement:

Hostel accommodation School hostel accommodation, at no charge to teachers. Please enquire from the GET co-ordinator if this option is available. If available, teachers must book accommodation by completing and returning the attached registration slip (Annexure B) by the due date. Hostel accommodation will be in shared rooms and teachers are required to bring their own bedding, towels and toiletries.
Registered hospitality establishments e.g. bed and breakfast, guest house, hotel The following conditions will apply:

  • Teachers must complete and return the attached registration slip (Annexure B) by the due date
  • Up to R200 per day may be claimed for dinner, bed and breakfast.
  • An original invoice from the establishment must be countersigned by the claimant and submitted at the training course.
Family or private accommodation The following conditions apply:

  • Teachers must complete and return the attached registration slip (Annexure B) by the due date.
  • Up to R130 per day may be claimed for dinner, bed and breakfast.
  • This claim must be accompanied by a sworn affidavit from the relative or person who provided the accommodation, countersigned by the claimant and submitted at the training course.

Approval of the application for accommodation must be obtained (in writing) from the district GET co-ordinator by 28 September 2011. Teachers who qualify for accommodation are responsible for ensuring that they receive this written approval prior to booking. No claim will be paid without this prior approval from the district GET co-ordinator.

2.7 How to claim

All teachers who are employed by the SGB, or who are on contract to the WCED, must complete the attached Bank Details form (Annexure C). Please note that this form must be stamped by the bank and brought to the workshop on Day 1.

All claims must be submitted to the claims officer at the training venue, together with all original documentation in support of claims. Only original documents may be submitted. No faxes or photocopies will be accepted.

Claimants will be reimbursed only after completion of the training course and therefore will have to pay their own expenses up front. Where necessary, schools are kindly requested to assist their teachers in this regard. Proof of payment must be kept and submitted.

Reimbursements will be made only after careful scrutiny of each claim and the WCED reserves the right to make the final decision where there is a discrepancy.

3. Orientation of Principals and Deputy Principals
3.1 Dates and times

Principals of schools with Foundation Phase grades are required to attend a 1-day orientation workshop on the CAPS. All those deputy principals responsible for the Foundation Phase grades are also required to attend with their principal. This workshop will take place on the 6 October 2011 and it will begin at 08:00 sharp and end at 16:30.

Registration will take place between 07:30 and 08:00. Principals and their relevant deputy principals are required to attend for the full day to ensure that the full scope of the content is understood.

3.2 Registration

Principals and Foundation Phase deputy principals are required to register for attendance on Annexure E and logistics will be planned according to this information. Please complete the form in full and return by no later than 28 September 2011 to the district GET co-ordinator.

3.3 Documents to bring

Principals and deputy principals are requested to bring to the orientation session hard copies of the CAPS documents per subject (Home Language, First Additional Language, Mathematics and Life Skills). In the event that these documents have not been received from the national Department of Basic Education, schools should use the CD containing the draft CAPS for each subject (which will be delivered to each school) to download and print hard copies.

3.4 Venues
3.4.1 Each education district office has arranged workshop venues, and a list of those venues is attached as Annexure D. Where there is more than one venue per circuit, principals and deputy principals will be notified by the district office of their specific workshop venue.
3.4.2 Morning refreshments and a light lunch will be provided at the workshop.
3.5 Travel

The terms and conditions set out in paragraph 2.5 above will apply.

3.6 Accommodation and meals

Where possible, school hostel accommodation will be secured. If this is not possible, the other terms and conditions set out in paragraph 2.6 above will apply.

3.7 How to claim

The terms and conditions set out in paragraph 2.7 above will apply.

4. All Foundation Phase teachers, school management teams and relevant officials are reminded that teachers must be able to introduce and/or support the implementation of the CAPS in the Foundation Phase from 2012. These workshops have been designed to enable implementation and ensure that planning for 2012 is aligned with the CAPS.

5. Primary school principals and district directors are kindly requested to bring this minute to the attention of all staff.

DATE: 2011:09:12

Annexure A: List of training venues for the CAPS training of Foundation Phase Teachers  (size: 50 KB)
Annexure B: Registration for Foundation Phase CAPS Teacher training  (size: 22 KB)
Annexure C: BAS Entity Maintenance Bank Details  (size: 28 KB)
Annexure D: List of training venues for the CAPS orientation of Primary School Principals and Foundation Phase Deputy Principals
(size: 45 KB)
Annexure E: Registration for Foundation Phase CAPS orientation workshop for Principals & FP Deputy Principals  (size: 21 KB)