1. The Letterkundeondersteuningskomitee (LOK) extends an invitation to all teachers of Afrikaans to Grades 10 and 12 to the 2012 Symposium to be held on Saturday, 25 February 2012 from 08:00 to 14:00 at the University of the Western Cape.
2. The chief aim of the symposium is to support the teaching of literature, but there will also be a focus on other disciplines, such as writing and grammar. One of the special features of the 2012 symposium will be the presentation of a dramatization of the short story, Baby, by EKM Dido, which is prescribed for Grade 12 First Additional Language.
3. The symposium programme will be available on the FET website for Afrikaans at http://curriculum.wcape.school.za/ as from 5 December 2011.
4. The registration fee for the 2012 Symposium is R130,00 per person. Interested persons may deposit this amount in the ABSA cheque account of the Stigting vir Bemagtiging deur Afrikaans (SBA), account number 550145847, branch code 632005. Cheques must be made out to Stigting vir Afrikaans. Please use the abbreviation "LOK" and the name of the school concerned as a reference when making the deposit. The SBA will be responsible for administrative and logistical arrangements of the LOK Symposium.
5. Prospective participants must complete the enclosed registration form (Addendum A) and fax it, together with proof of payment of the registration fee, to Ms Christine Francke of the SBA at fax number 086 509 8029 by 13 January 2012. We remind you once again to use the abbreviation "LOK" and the name of the school concerned as a reference.
6. To assist the organisers of the LOK Symposium, teachers are requested to adhere to the above due date for registration. No late applications will be accepted. The first 525 teachers who register before 13 January 2012, will receive free tickets to the Baby performance at the Artscape theatre complex on Friday, 24 February 2012.
7. Kindly note that no LOK study guides will be available in 2012.
8. Kindly bring the content of this minute to the attention of the relevant persons.

DATE: 2011:12:09

Addendum A: "Registrasievorm"  (size: 11 KB)