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The following is a summary of all the external examinations and assessments to be conducted in primary schools, secondary schools and adult education centres within the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) in 2010. This includes the National Senior Certificate Supplementary Examinations in 2011.
- Annual National Assessments: Grades 1 - 6
- Annual National Assessments: Grade 9 pilot in Mathematics and Language of Learning and Teaching (LoLT) in a sample of schools
- WCED Literacy and Numeracy assessments: Grades 3 and 6
- WCED Mathematics and Languages (LoLT) assessments: Grade 9 pilot
- National Senior Certificate Examinations (November 2010) and Supplementary Examinations in February/March 2011
- Senior Certificate Examinations (Report 550)
ABET Level 4 Examinations and Assessments
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Schools and adult education centres must note the following information regarding the various examinations and assessments, and plan accordingly. |
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Annual National Assessments: Grades 1 - 6
- The main objective of these annual assessments, which are conducted in Languages (LoLT) and Mathematics, is to improve the reading, writing and numeracy skills of learners. They were introduced as a national project in 2008 and will continue until 2011. These assessments apply to all learners in Grades 1 to 6.
- The 2010 Annual National Assessments for grades 1, 2, 4 and 5 will be administered on a date decided by the school during the first week of November 2010 (01 - 05 November 2010).
- Grades 3 and 6 will write on 2 and 4 November 2010 as indicated in the attached timetable.
- The tests will be set centrally and printed by the national Department of Basic Education (DBE) for all learners. The distribution to schools will be made via the education district offices.
- To ensure receipt of the correct numbers of printed tests, principals are requested to send updated statistics on numbers of learners per language, grade and learning area/programme to be assessed to district offices on a template that the DBE will provide.
- The tests will be marked and moderated at school level under the supervision of school management teams.
- District and provincial officials will monitor the management, administration and conduct of these assessments.
- Schools will be required to capture the marks electronically and submit the marks to the education district offices.
- These assessments must be included as a component of the school-based assessment for Grades 1 to 6. This means that they must be used as one of the formal recorded assessment tasks for the fourth term.
- In line with the President's injunctions and the National Minister's priorities, a sample of 200 schools with Grades 3 and 6 per province will be selected for independent administration of tests and moderation of results. The list of sampled schools for this purpose will be submitted to the provincial departments and schools will be advised accordingly.
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Annual National Assessments: Grade 9 pilot
- To lay the ground for Annual National Assessments (ANAs) at Grade 9 level, the DBE will, in 2010 develop and pilot language and mathematics tests and share guidelines with schools on what the tests will cover in the full-scale assessments in 2011.
- The ANAs in 2010 will be conducted in a sample of schools offering Grade 9. The selected schools will be informed as soon as the list is received from the DBE.
- For 2010, the ANAs will be administered in the appropriate languages that schools use for teaching and learning (English and Afrikaans) at either Home or First Additional Language level.
- The Grade 9 tests will be set centrally and printed by the DBE for all learners in the sampled schools. The distribution to schools will be made via the education district offices.
- The tests will be externally administered according to the attached timetable.
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WCED Systemic Tests: Grades 3, 6 and 9
- Starting in 2010, the WCED will extend its testing programme as follows:
- The full cohort of Grades 3, 6 and 9 will be tested annually in all schools with 5 or more learners per grade.
- Independent schools meeting the required criteria will be invited to participate in the Grades 6 and 9 assessments of 2010.
- Tests will be administered by independent service providers.
- These tests will take place from 6 to 19 October 2010.
- All Grade 3 and 6 learners will be assessed in Literacy/Language and Numeracy/ Mathematics, and Grade 9 learners will be assessed in Mathematics and the LoLT (English and Afrikaans).
- Tests will be scheduled for one day per school.
- The pass mark for all tests is 50%.
- Special schools will not participate in the 2010 WCED assessments.
- Schools must ensure that all learner information for Grades 3, 6 and 9 has been captured correctly on the CEMIS by the end of June 2010.
- Information on the logistical arrangements for the tests will be sent out by the Directorate: Research Services. Any enquiries regarding these assessments must be directed to Dr RS Cornelissen at tel. no. (021) 467-2286 or e-mail address rcornelissen@pgwc.gov.za
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The National Senior Certificate Examinations: Grade 12
- The National Senior Certificate Examinations were written for the first time in 2008. The supplementary examinations are written in February/March of each year.
- The question papers are set by the DBE, moderated by Umalusi and supplied to the provinces for administration and management.
- As in the past, examination question papers will be delivered to schools prior to the writing of the examination.
- The National Senior Certificate final examinations (excluding the examinations in the practical subjects) will commence on 25 October 2010 and end on 3 December 2010. The final timetable was sent to schools with Circular 0020/2010.
- All candidates writing the National Senior Certificate Examinations must comply with the requirements of school-based assessment (SBA), which must be moderated and verified at school and district level before being submitted to the Directorate: Examinations Administration by 30 September 2010.
- Where candidates do not comply with the requirements of SBA, their examination results will remain incomplete.
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The Senior Certificate Examinations (Report 550)
- The Senior Certificate examinations based on the old curriculum (Report 550) will be phased out in June 2011.
- These examinations are written only at selected examination centres. Examination question papers will be delivered to the centres according to the registration statistics.
- Admission letters, specifying the dates of the examinations and the venue at which the candidate must write, are issued to candidates.
- This year the examinations commenced on 13 April 2010 and will end on 8 June 2010.
- Only candidates who have registered previously and who already have an examination number may enter for the June 2011 examinations, by no later than 30 September 2010.
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ADULT EDUCATION AND TRAINING: ABET Level 4 Examinations and Assessments
- Since 2009, all ABET centres were required to implement the standardised site- based assessment tasks set by the DBE.
- The ABET Levels 4 examinations and assessments are offered each year in May/June and October/November. Details of assessment for ABET level 4 in 2010 are included in Assessment Management minute 0004/2010.
- An ABET assessment is comprised of 50% site-based assessment and 50% examination assessment.
- All site-based assessment marks must be moderated at site, district and provincial levels.
- The examination timetable for October 2010 will be sent to the centres in due course.
- Registration for these examinations must take place at an ABET centre.
Your co-operation in the successful implementation of the various examinations and assessments will be much appreciated. |
DATE: 2010-06-08