1. |
Examination scripts, together with all other examination-related documents, must be packaged according to the procedures stipulated in the Procedure Manual for Principals, Centre Managers Chief Invigilators and Invigilators, and sent to the Department on the arranged collection dates specified in Paragraph 3 below.
2. |
Under no circumstances may examination scripts be posted to the Department or delivered personally by principals or chief invigilators.
3. |
Skynet will collect the scripts from the examination centres between 08:00 and 15:00 on the following dates:
Wednesday, 17 February 2010
Wednesday, 24 February 2010
Wednesday, 03 March 2010
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
Wednesday, 17 March 2010
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
Friday, 26 March 2010 (Final sweep) |
4.1 |
Please ensure that the following documents are completed correctly:
- Courier Collection Register (Annexure A), each time a Skynet representative collects;
- Confirmation of Final Collection (Annexure B), which must be faxed through when the Skynet representative collects the final parcels of scripts from the centre.
4.2 |
Under no circumstances may plastic bags be kept back on days when Skynet collects examination scripts. All scripts in your possession must be handed to the couriers when they arrive.
4.3 |
After the Skynet representative has collected the packages of scripts, you will be handed a copy of the dispatch note which, together with the mark-sheet control lists, must be filed for record purposes by the chief invigilator.
4.4 |
Under no circumstances may the National Senior Certificate waybills be used for anything else other than the returning of examination-related documents. All unused waybills must be returned to the Directorate: Examinations Administration with the final packages of scripts.
5. |
Principals and centre managers, with the assistance of the chief invigilator, need to make sure that all the examination scripts have been collected by the courier by 12:00 on 26 March 2010.
If there are any scripts that have not been collected, Ms Monica Hollenbach (tel. 021 467 2960) or Mr Rashaad Martin (tel. 021 467 2961) of the Directorate: Examinations Administration must be informed IMMEDIATELY.
6. |
To ensure an orderly process, heads of institutions are kindly requested to make the necessary arrangements for the safekeeping of question papers and answer scripts. They must also make certain that each chief invigilator is given a copy of this minute.
DATE: 2010:02:08