1. |
Candidates' scripts may be re-marked in the following cases:
1.1 |
A candidate who failed one or more subjects in the National Senior Certificate examinations or ABET Level 4 examinations may have his or her script(s) in such subject(s) re-marked.
1.2 |
A candidate who passed the National Senior Certificate examinations, but who failed to obtain, in one or more subjects, the standard necessary for a particular purpose (e.g. a bursary or the special requirements of a tertiary institution), may, with the approval of the Department, have his or her script(s) in such subject(s) re-marked. The reason(s) for requesting the re-mark must be given in writing on a separate sheet of paper and must accompany the application. Applications not accompanied by the afore-mentioned will not be considered.
1.3 |
The Department may, at its discretion, permit the re-marking of the script(s) of a candidate who has passed the National Senior Certificate or ABET Level 4 examinations if there is a difference of at least two levels of achievement between the September marks awarded by the school and the marks scored in the national examinations.
1.4 |
Applications for re-marking of scripts, together with the prescribed fee of R70.00 per subject, must reach the Department not later than 14 days after the results are officially released. No application for the re-marking of scripts will be considered unless the prescribed amount accompanies the application within the stipulated period.
1.5 |
The closing date for applications to re-mark November 2009 examination scripts is 22 January 2010. No late application will be accepted.
2. |
2.1 |
Candidates are allowed to apply for their scripts to be checked again to ensure that all answers have been marked, and that the marks had been added and processed correctly.
2.2 |
An application to have scripts re-checked must be made within 14 days of the official release of results. The fee for a re-check is R12.00 per subject.
2.3 |
Applicants will be notified by letter about the results of the re-marking or re-checking of scripts. Where applicable, an amended Advice of Results will be issued.
3.1 |
If not satisfied with the outcome of a re-mark or re-check, candidates may apply to view their scripts at a fee of R150.00 per subject. This fee is not refundable.
3.2 |
A written request, providing clear reason(s) for the request, must be submitted to the Head of Education within 30 days of the official release of results. No application will be considered after that period.
3.3 |
A candidate and/or his or her parent(s) or guardian will be allowed to view the script(s) concerned and may, as a result thereof, lodge a complaint within a period of seven days. The Department will then take a final decision on the results concerned.
4. |
4.1 |
Re-marking fees paid for any subject will be refunded only if, as a result of the re-marking, the candidate
passes a subject or subjects which he or she initially failed; or
is awarded marks that improve the result in a subject by at least one symbol.
Refunds of re-marking fees will be made once the re-marking process has been completed for all subjects.
4.2 |
It is, therefore, essential that the receipt issued for the payment of the re-marking fee be kept in a safe place.
5.1 |
Applications for re-marking or re-checking must be made on the prescribed form. Separate forms must be submitted for re-checking and re-marking of examination scripts. Applications may be handed in at the WCED Head Office (Client Services Division, 2nd Floor), Grand Central Towers, Lower Parliament Street, Cape Town, or posted to the following address:
Head: Education
Attention: Directorate: Examinations Administration
Western Cape Education Department
Private Bag X9114
Cape Town
8000 |
5.2 |
In case a refund is necessary, the attached BAS form must also be submitted with each application for a re-mark.
A candidate who does not have a bank account must fill in his or her parent's or guardian's bank account details when completing the BAS form.
6. |
Forms may be requested at the following telephone numbers, e-mail addresses or Website address:
DATE: 2010:01:05