1. |
Principals of schools and managers of adult learning centres are kindly requested to recruit suitable persons from the community as chief invigilators and assistant invigilators for the above-mentioned examinations.
Nominations for all invigilators must be made on Addendum A (yellow form), which must be submitted as soon as possible to the IMG manager. The IMG manager must approve such nominations and submit the final list of names to the Department by 09 June 2010.
The list of nominations must be accompanied by a certified copy of the ID and most recent academic record (at least Grade12 ) of each nominee.
When nominating chief invigilators, the following aspects must be taken into consideration:
1.1 |
The IMG manager must conduct a personal interview with the person nominated as chief invigilator. |
1.2 |
The IMG manager must be sure of each nominee's reading, writing, hearing and visual abilities, and state of health. |
1.3 |
The IMG manager must ascertain whether persons nominated as chief invigilators are also prepared to act as chief invigilators for the March 2011 NSC supplementary examinations and the May/June 2011 Senior Certificate Examinations, should their services be required. |
1.4 |
It must, however, be clearly emphasised to chief invigilators that, if they commit themselves to an appointment as chief invigilator for March 2011 and May-June 2011, they must abide by that decision. |
1.5 |
Applicants or nominees who have applied for a full-time employment elsewhere, should preferably not be considered for appointment. |
2. |
2.1 |
Addendum B (green form - Nomination of Chief Invigilators) must be completed and signed by the principal or centre manager and a copy immediately handed to the person nominated as chief invigilator. This nomination letter contains very important instructions. A certified copy of the nominee's ID and of his or her most recent academic record (at least Grade 12) must be attached to Addendum B. |
2.2 |
During the interview with the nominated chief invigilator, the IMG manager, after he or she has satisfied him- or herself that the person nominated is a suitable person who is capable of performing the required duties, must hand Addendum C (pink form) to the nominee to be completed, after which the form must also be signed by the IMG manager. |
3. |
The principal or centre manager must declare that the nominee(s) is/are suitable to perform the duties of assistant invigilator(s), whereafter the IMG manager must indicate whether the appointment of the nominee(s) will be acceptable. Addendum D (blue form) must then be completed and signed by the assistant invigilator(s).
4. |
All chief and assistant invigilators must be prepared to enter into a service contract with the WCED regarding their duties and responsibilities during the conducting of the examinations. The contract will be valid for the examinations of November 2010, March 2011 and May/June 2011.
5. |
5.1 |
After completion, the IMG manager must submit Addendums A, B, C, D, E and F as soon as possible to reach the Directorate: Examinations Administration (For attention: Ms E duToit) by 09 June 2010.
5.2 |
NB: To avoid unnecessary delays in the appointment process, IMG managers must ensure that all the completed forms are sent to the Department together, and not separately. |
5.3 |
NB: No person whose appointment has not been approved by the IMG manager may perform duties as an invigilator. Invigilators may under no circumstances appoint substitutes for any part of their work. Should circumstances prevent a chief invigilator or assistant invigilator from supervising an examination, the principal or centre manager, in consultation with the IMG manager, must arrange for the appointment of a substitute and the Department must be informed of the change immediately. Substitutes must also submit their banking details on an Addendum E form. |
6. |
6.1 |
Under normal circumstances, no person should be considered for appointment as chief or assistant invigilator if he or she is |
6.1.1 |
under 25 years of age |
6.1.2 |
a relative of a candidate writing the examinations |
6.1.3 |
a teacher at that school or a teacher preparing candidates for any of the examinations |
6.1.4 |
engaged in any capacity on the school staff or in the hostel where candidates of a particular school reside |
6.1.5 |
the spouse or next of kin of the chief invigilator.
6.2 |
Should there be more than 30 candidates at an examination session, the WCED is prepared to appoint one assistant invigilator for each additional 30 candidates, or part thereof, for such session, or one assistant invigilator for each room in which the candidates are accommodated, provided that all rooms are used to full capacity before use is made of an extra room. |
6.3 |
At sessions where there are only a few candidates (minimum of two) the services of one assistant invigilator will be adequate. In such an instance, the chief invigilator will not perform normal invigilation duties, other than to relieve an assistant invigilator who has to accompany a candidate who has been granted permission to leave the examination room on account of an urgent need. |
6.4 |
Where practical and theory examinations take place at the same session, the services of an assistant invigilator should be used. |
6.5 |
When the services of two or more assistant invigilators are required for sessions where two or more examination venues are in use at the same time, the chief invigilator will not perform normal invigilation duties. |
6.6 |
Chief invigilators and assistant invigilators must have an academic qualification of at least Grade 12. If this is not the case, a justification for the nomination must be submitted.
6.7 |
If all the candidates are female, the chief invigilator and assistant invigilators must be females. If the candidates are both male and female and the chief invigilator is a male, at least one of the assistant invigilators must be a female, or, if the chief invigilator is a female, at least one of the assistant invigilators must be a male. |
6.8 |
The following examples give an indication of how many invigilators may be appointed:
2 |
1 |
1 |
30 |
1 |
1 |
31 |
1 |
2 |
Should additional invigilators be used, the Directorate: Examinations must be notified without delay. (Refer to table)
7. |
7.1 |
The duties of chief invigilators and assistant invigilators appear in Annexure A of the service contracts for chief invigilators and assistant invigilators. These duties must be carried out satisfactorily for the duration of the examinations. |
7.2 |
Chief invigilators must attend the WCED's training for invigilation. |
7.3 |
Principals must ensure that all assistant invigilators are properly trained before they are allowed to enter an examination venue. All assistant invigilators must sign the attendance register, confirming that they have received the necessary training. |
7.4 |
Invigilators must not leave candidates unsupervised during the course of an examination session. |
7.5 |
Invigilators must not aid candidates in any irregular activities during the conducting of an examination. The WCED will not hesitate to lay criminal charges against any invigilator who is found guilty of involvement in an irregularity. |
7.6 |
7.6 The chief invigilator must assist the principal in checking all consignments of question papers received. He or she will be paid for only one additional session for this task, irrespective of the number of consignments or the distance travelled to be present at the receiving and checking of question papers. |
7.7 |
The chief invigilator must also assist the principal with the keeping of a register that must be signed by the principal, subject head and chief invigilator when a set of question papers is removed from the strongroom.
7.8 |
Chief invigilators and assistant invigilators must have their IDs and contracts with them for the duration of the examinations.
7.9 |
Before the commencement of the examinations each chief invigilator must ensure that the examination venue is suitable for the conducting of the examinations.
8. |
8.1 |
The chief invigilator must be informed that he or she is compelled to attend training sessions for invigilators. |
8.2 |
Chief invigilators who live within a radius of 75 km from the school or centre where the training will take place, will be paid for one additional session. |
8.3 |
Chief invigilators who live more than 75 km from the training venue will be paid for two additional sessions. |
8.4 |
Assistant invigilators are not reimbursed for attending the training sessions. |
9. |
9.1 |
The WCED will appoint and remunerate invigilators in accordance with the Personnel Administration Measures. |
9.2 |
Independent schools and colleges are responsible for the remuneration of their own invigilators. Although the invigilators of independent schools are not paid by the WCED, principals of independent schools, heads of colleges and prisons must note that it is compulsory to complete the acceptance forms (Addendums C and D) and return them to the Department. |
9.3 |
Chief invigilators of independent schools and colleges must hand their claim forms for invigilation performed to the principal or centre manager, who will make arrangements for their remuneration. Personnel at prisons who serve as invigilators for the National Senior Certificate examinations do not receive additional remuneration. If invigilators at prisons are not in the service of the prison, the Department must be informed of this in writing. |
9.4 |
Administrative personnel and teachers who receive a salary from the Department and who also serve as invigilators, will not be remunerated by the Department for invigilation duties performed. |
9.5 |
The present rate (subject to change) for invigilation is R129,85 per session for a chief invigilator and R86,55 per session for an assistant invigilator. |
9.6 |
UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL INVIGILATORS BE REMUNERATED FOR TRAVEL EXPENSES (Principals and centre managers must therefore appoint invigilators from the immediate community served by the school or centre)
9.7 |
NB: The regulations (IRP10) pertaining to the payment of employees' tax determine that all salaries of persons in part-time employment are subject to a tax deduction of 25%. The Department will, therefore, make a 25% tax deduction from the amounts paid to invigilators for services performed. Therefore, the submission of a tax deduction directive for employees (IRP3) no longer applies. Invigilators who qualify to be exempted or partially exempted from the payment of employees' tax must, after receipt of an IRP5 certificate (particulars of payment for income tax deducted by the Department), submit the certificate to their local Receiver of Revenue, together with the prescribed IT 12 S form.
IRP 5 certificates are normally posted to invigilators' homes or postal addresses during May and June of the year following their period of invigilation.
Number of sessions |
Tariff |
Gross |
Tax |
Nett amount |
Chief invigilator |
12 |
R 129,85 |
R 1558,20 |
R 389,55 |
R 1168,65 |
Assistant invigilator |
12 |
R 86,55 |
R 1038,60 |
R 259,65 |
R 778,95 |
9.8 |
In order to expedite the payment of invigilators' claims, each chief and assistant invigilator must write his or her identity number on the acceptance form and attach a certified copy of his or her ID. |
9.9 |
Addendum E must be completed only by the nominees of schools that will not be able to assist with the payment of their invigilators. The form must be completed and certified as correct and the bank account declared active by the bank concerned.
9.10 |
Where principals agreed in 2009 to invigilators' fees being deposited in the bank account of the school, the same procedure will be followed in 2010 unless the school informs the Department of an alternative arrangement. |
10. |
10.1 |
At least one month before the commencement of the examinations, the chief invigilator, in consultation with the principal or centre manager, must establish that suitable and adequate examination writing facilities are available for all the candidates entered for the examination. |
10.2 |
Candidates must be seated with adequate space between them in order to rule out the possibility of irregular practices. The school hall and/or as many classrooms as may be necessary must be used in order to allow for the following spacing of desks or tables at which candidates will sit:
- A space of 150 cm on both sides of each desk or table
- A space 120 cm in front of and behind each desk or table
10.3 |
The IMG manager must pay visits to the examination centres in his or her district in order to determine whether this instruction is being followed. |
11. |
11.1 |
Accountability for the proper administering of the examinations resides with the principal of the school or the manager of the centre where the examinations are being written. |
11.2 |
The principal or centre manager must ensure that question papers are securely and sequentially stored in the strongroom, that the examination venues are satisfactory and that chief invigilators and invigilators are suitably trained. |
11.3 |
Principals and centre managers are requested to ensure, in consultation with the IMG manager, that satisfactory arrangements are made to ensure that candidates are not disturbed during the examination sessions. |
12. |
Please ensure that a copy of this Examinations Administration Minute is handed to the chief invigilator and each assistant invigilator. |
DATE: 2010-05-07