1. The Western Cape Education Department has prepared a package for each of the Western Cape's 2010 NSC candidates to assist them with their examination preparations. The package, which includes stationery, a booklet providing study tips, examination tips, an examination timetable, bursary information, tips for success and other useful information, comes in a PVC folder.
2. The intention is that a package should be presented to each Grade 12 learner during the first week of the second term to mark 200 days before the start of the 2010 NSC examinations.
3. A courier will distribute the packages to all high schools by 15 April 2010.
4. The principal, or a designated member of staff, will be required to acknowledge receipt of the packages after ensuring that the number of items delivered corresponds with the invoice accompanying each box. The person receiving the packages must provide the following on the invoice:

  • His or her name, ID number and signature;
  • The name and address of the school;
  • The school stamp;
  • The date of delivery.

A copy of the invoice must be kept by the school.

5. In the event that the number of packages delivered to the school is incorrect, please contact your district office. Excess packages must be returned to the district office.
6. Teachers are requested to encourage learners to read and use the content of the packages as soon as possible in preparation for their final examinations.
7. Kindly bring the content of this circular to the attention of all members of staff.

DATE: 2010:03:23