1. |
During 9 to 20 November 2009 the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) will again conduct research into the literacy and numeracy levels of all Grade 6 learners in the province. This will be the fourth round of Grade 6 testing since 2003. |
2. |
Principals should note that these tests are WCED Assessment Tests and are NOT the National Foundations for Learning tests of the national Department of Education. |
3. |
The intention of this Grade 6 assessment is to measure the performance and to track the progress made by learners in literacy and numeracy. This assessment also has a remedial function and will assist the WCED in planning support and development in schools. |
4. |
The Grade 6 assessment test will be based on the standards set out in the National Curriculum Statement (NCS). |
5. |
Preparations have begun and, in due course, all schools with Grade 6 learners will be informed about the procedure and other administrative details. |
6. |
As with the previous assessment in 2007, the entire cohort of Grade 6 learners will be tested in 2009. |
7. |
Schools are requested to update their Grade 6 learner details regularly on the CEMIS. The Grade 6 Assessment Learner Register will be placed on the CEMIS under "ASSESSMENT" for schools to complete and print two days before the day of testing. The Assessment Learner Register will be available from September 2009. For ease of reference, the learners in the Assessment Learner Register will be placed alphabetically in classes. (The CEMIS administrator must print the Assessment Learner Register so that Grade 6 class teachers can carefully check and complete it, as well as correct any errors in the columns. (Note: The relevant Grade 6 class teacher must complete the appropriate columns. Once completed, the CEMIS administrator must capture and save the information received from the Grade 6 class teachers on the CEMIS in the Grade 6 Learner Register.) |
8. |
The Principal Questionnaire and Teacher Questionnaire for all Intermediate Phase teachers will also be placed on the CEMIS to be completed and printed two days before the day of testing and handed to the test administrator. These will be available from the beginning of the Fourth Term. |
9. |
Principals are again reminded that their Grade 6 learner information on CEMIS MUST be captured and corrected as this affects the results of the school, as well as those of the circuit, district and province. For ease of reference, the reports have been placed on CEMIS under "ASSESSMENTS". |
10. |
Any enquiries about the content of this minute must be directed to Dr RS Cornelissen at tel. no. 021 467 2286 or e-mail address rcornelissen@pgwc.gov.za |
11. |
The content of this minute must be brought to the attention of all concerned, especially Grade 6 teachers. |
Your co-operation will be appreciated. |
DATE: 2009:09:02