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The 2008 Grade 3 Assessment results are now available on CEMIS. Access your school's results as follows:
- Point to the menu item "Assessment". Then point to "Grade 3 2008 LitNum Results" and click. The results will appear.
- Should the results not appear, the CEMIS administrator must proceed to the menu bar on top and select "Tools". Then point to "Pop-up Blocker", select "Turn-off Pop-up Blocker" and click.
- The "Pop-up blocker" has now been turned off and may result in CEMIS restarting.
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Once this has been completed, bullet one must be repeated to access the Grade 3 results.
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Schools are again reminded that their Grade 6 Assessment results for 2007 are also available on CEMIS under "Assessment".
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Any enquiries regarding the contents of this minute should be directed to Dr RS Cornelissen (telephone 021 467 2286; e-mail rcornelissen@pgwc.gov.za).
Your co-operation will be appreciated.
DATE: 2009:03:05