1. The Directorate: Quality Assurance, as part of its Quality Improvement through Innovation Strategy (QITIS), aims to advocate more innovatively all the processes relating to quality improvement and performance accountability.
2. As part of the initial roll-out to schools, the most recent outputs of QITIS include the following:
  1. Measuring up - a training and advocacy DVD
  2. The DVD is aimed at clarifying National Policy on whole-school evaluation (WSE) in accordance with Government Gazette, No. 22512 and demonstrates the WSE process. Schools should use the DVD in conjunction with the WSE Criteria and Guidelines, which provides the standards for the performance of schools;

    Suggested use of DVD:

    • Professional development of school staff;
    • Training of school stakeholder groups, such as the school governing body, parents and the community, in preparation for a school's self-evaluation;
    • Induction training of departmental officials.

  3. Website - http://wced.wcape.gov.za/dqa

  4. In addition, the Directorate: Quality Assurance has launched a website to support schools and departmental officials by:

    • serving as an information resource on educational standards and the monitoring and evaluation processes ; and
    • stimulating electronic dialogue and feedback focused on improving education.

  5. Poster bundle

  6. As part of the ongoing advocacy of quality assurance, the following posters have been sent to schools:

    • Quality Assurance Model for Whole-School Development: It outlines the 3 key processes for a learning-centred approach to whole-school development;
    • Whole-School Evaluation: It outlines the linear process of WSE;
    • School Self-Evaluation: Different models are provided, which can be applied in accordance with the context of the school;
    • Performance Measurement - A Learning Organisation: These are sources of educator development to ensure that WCED is a dynamic learning organisation;
    • Nine Areas for Evaluation: These focus areas ensure a holistic evaluation of schools;
    • Thetha Nathi: The WCED's compliments/complaints mechanism directed at improving service delivery.

DATE: 2009:11:18

The DVD referred to in the minute was posted to schools.