1. In Annexure A, paragraph 3.5, of the Norms and Standards Circular 0034/2008 of September 2008 non-Section 21 schools are instructed to submit their requisition forms for LTSM (WCED034) and local purchases (WCED 026) by Friday, 24 April 2009.
2. Due to the number of public holidays during April, schools are granted an extension for the submission of their main orders for LTSM and local purchases until Friday, 8 May 2009.
3. In addition to textbooks the following LTSM items may also be requested on the WCED 034 form: library books, posters, maps and wall charts, class readers, reference books, prescribed workbooks, dictionaries, library resources, pre-recorded audio and video cassettes, CD's and educational software.
4. It is recommended that non-section 21 schools utilise at least 70% of their LTSM allocation in their May 2009 requisition to allow the personnel at the Kuils River order office the opportunity to process all requisitions into orders and also to give suppliers ample time to make deliveries to schools.
5. The WCED would like to thank Principals and School Governing Bodies for their prompt submission of the WCED 032 form and the accuracy with which the Norms and Standards allocation was appropriated.

DATE: 2009:04:24