1. The Provincial Principals' Forum (PPF) was launched on 6 February 2009. Five provincial meetings were held during 2009 and a variety of topics were discussed. Some changes to the framework document will be proposed for approval by Top Management in order to make the functioning of the PPF more effective. Schools will be informed when the changes have been approved.
2. The minutes of the PPF meetings are attached. The Directorate: Institutional Management & Governance Planning (IMGP) apologises for this late distribution of the minutes and undertakes to ensure that distribution is not delayed in future.
3. During the last PPF meeting, it was decided to have the election of principals for next year as soon as possible during this term. Principals are kindly requested to ensure that the election process is a democratic process. District directors and officials are requested to provide support to principals and chairpersons of forums so as to ensure elections run smoothly.
4. Circuit forums, under the guidance of the current chairperson of the circuit forum, are thus requested to elect 2 principals to represent each circuit on the district forum. The new chairperson to the circuit forum must also be elected and he or she must inform the district of the names of the principals elected to the district forum.
5. The current district forum chairperson must ensure that the elected principals hold a meeting to elect a new chairperson and to elect 2 principals to the PPF for 2010. The new chairperson must inform the district director and the Directorate: IMGP, at NDomsali@pgwc.gov.za or Elouw@pgwc.gov.za, of the names and contact details of the principals elected to the PPF.
6. Where principals of special schools are not democratically elected to the district forum, the chairperson of the district forum must meet with the principals of special schools in that district to elect 2 principals of special schools to the district forum.
7. It was decided at a PPF meeting to rotate the representation of special school principals to the PPF, one for rural districts and one for the metropolitan districts, owing to the difficulty in electing these principals from 4 districts. The rotation of districts will be in alphabetical order, beginning in 2010 with the Metro Central Education District for the metropolitan districts, and with Eden & Central Karoo Education District for the rural districts. So, where special school principals are not democratically elected to the PPF, the relevant district forum must also elect 1 principal of a special school to the PPF during the election of PPF members.
8. The first meeting of the newly elected PPF will be arranged early in February 2010. All elections must be finalised by the end of January 2010.
9. For further information, you may contact your IMG manager or circuit team manager.

DATE: 2009:11:19

Responsibilities of Forum Members  (size: 13 KB)

Minutes of PPF meetings
6 February 2009  (size: 18 KB)
27 March 2009  (size: 10 KB)
22 April 2009  (size: 31 KB)
27 August 2009  (size: 84 KB)
9 October 2009  (size: 44 KB)