1. The roadshows introducing the Control Paysheets have been completed in the education districts. Metro South Education District has indicated that they will take full responsibility for training all their schools in the use of the Control Paysheet System (CPS), which will be accommodated on the Human Capital Leave Management System (HCLMS). We would like to thank schools for sending representatives to these roadshows, and also education district staff for organising these events. We are grateful to the principals, staff and school governing bodies of the following schools for making training venues available:

Aurial College (Oudtshoorn), Nico Brummer Primary School (Beaufort West), Knysna High School (Knysna), Gerrit Du Plessis High School (Riversdale), Ridge View Primary School (Mossel Bay), Faure Youth Care Centre (Eerste River), Livingstone High School (Cape Town), Proteus High School (Atlantis), Dirkie Uys Primary School (Moorreesburg), Paarl Gymnasium High School (Paarl), Nuwe Hoop Centre (Worcester), PW Botha College (George)

A special word of thanks to all schools who participated in the pilot project in 2009. Their contributions were much appreciated

2. We will GO LIVE for all educational institutions on 20 July 2009. The CPS GO LIVE means that schools will be able to access the CPS on the HCLMS so as to capture the pay sheets on the system under CPS menu item. (Take CPS option: Paysheet Returned Check.)
3. The principal of the school, herein referred to as for "the paymaster", is the person ultimately responsible for the verification of the payroll. A letter will be posted to each paymaster stating his or her responsibilities.
4. The normal certification of the payroll report with salary information, in terms of Accounting Services Minute 0011/2007, must continue and must be returned, together with the payroll report without salary information, to the following address:
Director: Financial Accounting Services
For attention: Mrs A Smit
Paysheet Control Section (7th Floor)
Western Cape Education Department
Private Bag X9114
Cape Town
Fax no.: 021 461 3656
E-mail address: avsmit@pgwc.gov.za
5. You are required to make your own copies of the above-mentioned documentation for record purposes.
6. Your co-operation will be much appreciated.

DATE: 2009:07:20