1. ISebe leMfundo likazwelonke, libambisene ne-South African History Online, limema zonke izikolo ukuba zithathe inxaxheba kwiNational Schools' Oral History Competition, i-Nkosi Albert Luthuli Young Historians' Award eyayiqalwe ngo-2005. Olu khuphiswano luya kuba yinxenye yegalelo leSebe leMfundo ekukhuthazweni ngamandla ukufundiswa nokufundwa kwezeMbali (History) ezikolweni.
2. Likwayinxenye yenyathelo eliqhubeka okokoko leSebe leMfundo lokukhuthaza bonke abafundi ukuba bayiqonde imbali ephangaleleyo yaseMzantsi Afrika nokuqhama kwembali yeendawo abahlala kuzo. Ikwalithuba ngokunjalo kubafundi abasebatsha lokufumana amava ekuphuhliseni izakhono ezibalulekileyo zophando.
3. Olu khuphiswano luvuleleke kubo bonke abafundi ukuqalela kwiBakala 8 ukuya kwiBakala 11 nakubo bonke ootitshala bezeMbali nabeeSayensi zezeNtlalo abakwizikolo eziziisekondari.
4. ISebe leMfundo leNtshona Koloni liyazingca ukwazisa ukuba uYumna Jackson, ongumfundi eBridgetown High School waphumelela ukhuphiswano kuzwelonke ngo-2008 waza uMnu Louis Marais, waseWolseley Secondary School, waphuma isithathu kukhuphiswano lootitshala.
5. Ukhuphiswano lwaBafundi
5.1 Kucetyiswa ukuba abafundi nootitshala baye kweli ziko lewebhu South African History Online apha http://www.sahistory.org.za ukufumana ingcaciso ngophando lwembali yomlomo (oral history research).
5.2 Kuya kufuneka abafundi benze uphando baze balungise inkcazo-ntetho (presentation) okanye ifilim ebalisa ngokwenzekileyo (documentary film) okanye ividiyo ngezinye zezi zihloko zilandelayo:

  1. The changing heritage landscape of South Africa: Learners could investigate the history behind a heritage site and its significance to the history of the village, town or region. They could focus on burial sites, monuments and statues, and how local people interpret these sites;
  2. Alternatively, learners could investigate two heritage sites in one town or city; one representing the period before 1994 and the other representing national unity and reconciliation in post 1994 democratic South Africa;
  3. Learners could also investigate an undeclared heritage site and submit a portfolio that could, in turn, be sent to the South African Heritage Resources Agency;
  4. The history of my school: The learner would be expected to interview members of the community who were involved in the establishment of the school. They could also interview former students of the school and establish how the school is linked to local history;
  5. Significant places of worship: Learners could interview the members and leaders of faith-based organisations and investigate the history behind a spiritual space of worship. This space could be a mountain, river, building or open field;
  6. The refugees in South Africa: South Africa has attracted many people from different parts of the world, especially after the introduction of democracy in 1994. The majority of these refugees left their countries in search of a better life and others are victims of political persecution in their own countries. Learners could investigate the plight of refugees in South Africa and make recommendations on how to treat refugees in a country that promotes a human rights culture. Learners would be expected to interview refugees as well as locals;
  7. The history of transport: Transport systems are an important part of the country's social and economic development. South Africa has experienced transport change and development over a period of time;
    For example, learners could interview parents or grandparents who used the railway system during the 20th Century and also investigate how the local economy was linked to the railways. The railway, for example, was also a major employer in the previous century and they could also interview former employees of the railways. Learner projects could also cover deserted railway stations and settlements;
    Learners could also investigate the introduction of bus and taxi services in their local areas.
  8. The history of sport- or cultural group: Sport- and cultural clubs have contributed to the shaping of many people's characters. Towns and villages have, for example, soccer-, cricket-, tennis- and netball clubs. Learners could interview older members of the teams and establish how those teams were formed and how they shaped the lives of many people in the community;
  9. Unsung heroes and heroines: The role of ordinary men and women in development. Learners should focus on those men and women who were never publicly acknowledged.
5.3 Kucelwa niqaphele oku kulandelayo:

  • Le projekthi mayisekelwe kuphando lwembali yomlomo;
  • Abafundi mabancediswe ekukhetheni kwabo abantu abaza kuba nodliwano-ndlebe nabo;
  • Abafundi bafanele ukuba bakhuthazwe kakhulu ekukhetheni umntu osuka okanye abantu abasuka kwindawo abahlala kuyo;
  • Inkqubo yokugweba iya kulinganiselwa ngokomgangatho wophando, endaweni yokuba kujongwe uhlobo elulo inkcazo-ntetho (presentation);
  • Inkcazo-ntetho ingenziwa ngalo naluphi na ulwimi kwezaseburhulumenteni.
6. Ukhuphiswano looTitshala
6.1 Ootitshala bezikolo eziziisekondari abangenela ukhuphiswano baya kucelwa ukuba bangenise isicwangciso somsebenzi esibonisa indlela ababecwangcise baze balungiselele ngayo iprojekthi yembali yomlomo eklasini.
6.2 Kuya kufuneka ootitshala benze inkcazo-ntetho ngeephothifoliyo zabo kwiphaneli yabagwebi kwaye mabazilungiselele ukubizelwa kwingxoxo yephaneli ngephothifoliyo leyo.
6.3 Ootitshala mababandakanye oku kulandelayo kwiphothifoliyo yokhuphiswano:

  • Yaxelelwa kanjani iklasi ngokwenziwa kweprojekthi yembali yomlomo;
  • Yeyiphi inkcazo eyanikwa abafundi malunga nokukhetha nokuthetha nabo babeza kubuzwa imibuzo yodliwano-ndlebe, nokulungiselela nokuqhuba udliwano-ndlebe nokusebenzisa udliwano-ndlebe njengobungqina bokufikelela kwizigqibo ngegalelo laloo mntu;
  • Loluphi ungenelelo olwenziwa ngutitshala ukuncedisa abafundi ukuba bayigqibe le projekthi;
  • Yintoni utitshala acinga ukuba abafundi bayizuza ekwenzeni kwabo uphando ngembali yomlomo.
7. Inkqubo yokugweba
7.1 Inkqubo yokugweba iya kwenziwa kwiphondo nge-4 & 5 Septemba 2009 nakuzwelonke nge 24-26 Septemba 2009 kwisiganeko sikazwelonke.
7.2 Kuya kukhethwa iiphaneli zabagwebi ezibandakanya oosombali (historians) nabaqeshwa bezenkcubeko elilifa lethu (heritage workers) ukuba ngabagwebi kwiphondo nakuzwelonke.
8. ISiganeko sikaZwelonke
8.1 Kuya kukhethwa abafundi abalishumi kwizikolo eziziisekondari kuwo onke amaphondo njengeeNkosi Albert Luthuli Young Historians ukuba bamele iphondo ngalinye kwisiganeko sikazwelonke ngoSeptemba 2009. Abafundi baya kulindeleka ukuba benze inkcazo-ntetho yomlomo (to give an oral presentation) ngophando lwabo kwaye kufuneka babe nekopi ebhaliweyo (hard copy) yesincoko esingophando lwabo eya kunikwa abagwebi.
8.2 Kuya kukhethwa kwiphondo ngalinye ootitshala ababini ukuba baye kwisiganeko sikazwelonke kwiYunivesithi yaseFort Hare ngoSeptemba 2009. Kuya kulindeleka ukuba abo titshala babonise iphaneli yabagwebi izicwangciso zomsebenzi wabo.
9. Kuqhotyoshelwe apha iikhrayitheriya zokugweba umsebenzi wabafundi.
10. Ukuba unqwenela isikolo sakho singenele olu khuphiswano, kucelwa uzalise ifom yobhaliso eqhotyoshelweyo uze uyithumele ngefeksi okanye nge-imeyili kumcebisi ngezeKharityhulam yeeSayensi zezeNtlalo we-GET okanye kumcebisi ngezeKharityhulam wezeMbali we-FET kwi-ofisi yesithili semfundo sakho, oya kukunika ingcaciso engaphezulu malunga nenkqubo yokugweba.

UMHLA: 2009:08:07

IFOM YOKUBHALISELA "I-Nkosi Albert luthuli young historians’ award"  (ubukhulu: 18 KB)