1. The AMESA Challenge is an annual mathematics challenge for learners in grades 4 - 7. Attached are the instructions plus a master copy of the papers, the answer sheet and the memorandum for the first round of the AMESA Challenge for 2009. The MS Word documents can be downloaded from http://www.sun.ac.za/mathed/Challenge.zip
2. The Challenge is intended as a vehicle to popularise mathematics and to enhance the quality of the teaching and learning of mathematics. It is not a scholastic test, but tests conceptual knowledge, the application of knowledge in new situations, problem solving and general mathematical thinking thereby supporting our new curriculum.
3. Schools wishing to participate in the AMESA Challenge must send their school's information and learners' results to the Regional Organiser by 17 September 2009 for learners to be entered into the second round.
4. The District Mathematics Curriculum Advisers have already e-mailed this information to their schools. This minute confirms their e-mail.
5. Please read the attached instruction for further details on the AMESA Challenge.
6. The AMESA Mathematics Challenge material can be used throughout the year to stimulate critical thinking among the learners. The WCED encourages all schools to participate in this Challenge for the benefit of their learners.

DATE: 2009:09:02

Mathematics Challenge 2009 Gr.4  (size: 106 KB)
Mathematics Challenge 2009 Gr.5  (size: 180 KB)
Mathematics Challenge 2009 Gr.6  (size: 78 KB)
Mathematics Challenge 2009 Gr.7  (size: 77 KB)
Mathematics Challenge 2009: Instructions, entry form, answer sheet and the memorandum  (size: 326 KB)