1. The national Department of Health declared February 2008 as Reproductive Health Month. The intention was that during that period emphasis should be placed on promoting safer sexual practices that will help to alleviate the spread of all sexually transmitted infections, including HIV/AIDS, and reduce the number of unwanted teenage pregnancies.
2. In light of the high prevalence of HIV amongst youth between the ages of 15 and 25 and the increasing number of teenage pregnancies at schools each year, the Department of Education supports the above-mentioned initiative.
3. As always, the WCED advocates abstinence as the preferred strategy to avoid HIV and other sexually transmitted infections and teenage pregnancy, but acknowledges research that indicates that a high number of adolescents are already sexually active. The accompanying learning material speaks directly to this target group.
4. Enclosed please find posters and rulers that should be distributed amongst Grades 10 to 12 learners. Secondary schools are requested to distribute the enclosed material appropriately, and at their own convenience.
5. It is recommended that the Life Orientation teachers use this material in an age-appropriate setting and contextualise the promotion of condoms as part of a broader HIV prevention strategy.
6. Should you require additional health promotional material, please contact the Department of Health's Health Promotion Resource Centre, 2nd Floor, Maynard Plaza, Wynberg, or call them at tel. no. 021 710 9863.

DATE: 2009:04:14

The documents referred to in this Minute were sent to schools.