1. In terms of the Adult Basic Education and Training Act, 2000 (Act No. 52 of 2000), adult learning centres are compelled to provide information about the centre as required by the Head of Education.
2. Centre managers are required to conduct a headcount of all learners registered in their community learning centres and to submit these figures to the WCED by 5 December 2008.
3. These figures must reflect the total number of learners in attendance per ABET level and FET grade. They should also reflect the number of learners attending skills courses (reflected as "OTHER" in the attached Annexure A).
4. No learner should be double counted and totals should reflect learner attendance as on 30 November 2008.
5. The completed Annexure A should be sent for the attention of Ms C Nefdt at fax number: 021 467 9385

DATE: 2008:11:21

Annexure A  (size: 57 KB)