1. During the stocktaking for the 2007/2008 financial year it was noted that certain responsibility managers had not always complied with the stipulations contained in Circular 28/2005 of 23 May 2005 and Circular 40/2007 of 13 August 2007, as items recorded on inventories had been moved without the completion and submission of the relevant movement forms. Non-completion of movement forms have huge implications. Responsibility Managers must therefore ensure that the movement of items is recorded on a month-to-month basis.
2. In this regard the following needs to be done:
2.1 Movement of items from 1 April 2008 till present must be determined against the signed-off inventories. In other words, if an item is not located in the location as the inventory indicates, a movement form, in respect of such items, must be completed (form attached to Circular 28/2005 of 23 May 2005). Those responsibility managers who have already submitted all movement forms need not do so again.
2.2 For each month until the end of the financial year, completed movement forms in respect of items moved must be submitted to Mr DT Scholtz at the address mentioned in paragraph 3 below.
2.3 For those months during which no movements have taken place, a nil return must be submitted. If an item is moved from one room to another, it is considered to be a movement in terms of this minute.
3. Responsibility Managers are also reminded to appoint a person or persons who will be responsible for the asset management task of the directorate, sub-directorate or office concerned. They must be appointed in writing and his/her/their duties must also be stated in writing. (A duty sheet for an asset management official is attached for your use.) The name(s) of the person(s) appointed must be submitted together with a signed copy of the appointment letter to Mr DT Scholtz at the following address:
Room 612, 6th Floor
Grand Central Towers
Cape Town
4. Any enquiries regarding the content of this minute may be directed to the following persons:
Mr D Scholtz  021 467 2799
Mr D Jacobs   021 467 2012
5. Kindly bring the content of this minute to the attention of all officials concerned.
6. Thank you for your co-operation.

DATE: 2008:11:19

Duty Sheet: Asset record controller  (size: 29 KB)