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The annual stocktaking of furniture and equipment (IT equipment included) for the current financial year will commence shortly. A programme will be provided to you in due course.
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To ensure that the stocktaking teams do not record redundant or obsolete items that are not in use, you are requested to list such items and to submit the list. The correct procedure for the writing off and disposal of items is clearly set out in Circular 0063/2007 of 29 November 2007.
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You are furthermore reminded that when items are moved, the form "Application for the movement of inventory items" must be duly completed and sent to the Division: Asset Management (For Attention: Mr DT Scholtz) at Head Office. In this regard your attention is drawn to the contents of Circular 0028/2005 of 23 November 2005.
4. |
Your co-operation in the above regard will be appreciated.
DATE: 2008:07:11