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Your school will shortly receive 2 copies of the Western Cape School Songbook and a CD with the backing tracks of the melodies. This multilingual compilation of 40 songs has been put together to stimulate the learning of one another's songs and to promote multilingualism and knowledge and sharing of culture and traditions. Mostly, it is a celebration of music and of community.
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Sets of booklets with the words only (for the learners) will also be distributed. The quantities supplied will depend on sponsorship raised.
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During February, musicians will visit schools to raise awareness of the songs, while music teachers will be given particular exposure during the series of weekend workshops arranged to support the Tirisano process. The songs will also feature at sports' events held during this time.
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The songbook will be launched officially at an event on 15 March 2008 at the Newlands Rugby Stadium from 11:00 - 14:00, at which many of the songs will be sung by both learners and professional musicians. Please diarise this event.
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Both sporting and music icons will be present. The extent of the event will depend on the extent of sponsorship sourced. Full details will be provided in due course.
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The vision is for 28 000 learners to be present (Grades 7 - 12). Depending on the uptake, up to 50 learners and five educators per school could attend. The numbers will vary because some smaller rural schools may have fewer than 30 learners able to attend, and some schools may not be able or choose not to attend.
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If funding is sourced then learners will be provided with transport and food. If the funds are not forthcoming, however, schools will need to cover their own costs.
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Schools from the urban areas are asked to offer to host learners from the rural schools, who would travel to Cape Town on 14 March 2008.
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MEC Cameron Dugmore, who initiated this project and who is the driving force behind it, urges all schools to make an effort to attend the launch and to make the event a spectacular memory and a celebration of nation-building.
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Principals are requested to bring this notice to the attention of all concerned.
DATE: 2008:01:22