1. ISebe leMfundo likazwelonke, libambisene ne- South African History Online, licela zonke izikolo ukuba zithathe inxaxheba kukhuphiswano lwe-National Schools’ Oral History Competition, i-Nkosi Albert Luthuli Young Historians’ Award olwaqalwa ngo-2005. Olu khuphiswano luya kuba yinxalenye yothatho-nxaxheba lweSebe leMfundo kwizikhumbuzo zeziganeko zembali ezibalulekileyo.
2. Oku kukwayinxalenye yephulo elisoloko liqhutywa leSebe leMfundo lokukhuthaza bonke abafundi ukuba bayiqonde imbali ebanzi yaseMzantsi Afrika nokuqhama kwembali yeendawo abahlala kuzo. Ikwalithuba kwakhona kubafundi abaselula lokufumana amava okuphuhlisa izakhono zophando ezibalulekileyo.
3. Olu khuphiswano luvuleleke kubo bonke abafundi ukususela kwiBakala 8 ukuya kwiBakala 11 nakubo bonke ootitshala abafundisa ezeMbali neeSayensi zezeNtlalo bezikolo ezizisekondari.
4. Ukhuphiswano lwaBafundi
4.1 Bayacetyiswa abafundi nootitshala ukuba yabe kwiziko lewebhu le-South African History Online apha www.sahistory.org.za ukufumana ingcaciso ngophando lwembali yomlomo.
4.2 Kufuneka abafundi benze uphando balungise ingcaciso-ntetho (presentation) okanye ifilim yembali okanye ividiyo (documentary film or video) ngenye yezi zihloko zilandelayo:
  1. Our unsung heroes: Investigate the life of a member of your community, showing, through oral history research, how that individual has shown leadership qualities and, through commitment and dedication, made a difference to your community.
  2. Investigate an example of local community struggle in your community against apartheid, in which the community came together to demonstrate their opposition to some apartheid government action that directly affected the local community.
  3. Investigate, by interviewing people who participated in its formation or various youth, women, student and other civic organization affiliates, how the formation of the community-based organizations that were affiliated to the United Democratic Front affected members of your community.
  4. Investigate the re-emergence of the labour movement that commenced with the Durban strikes of 1973 and the impact of working class mobilization on the community.
  5. Investigate the role played by members of your family and/or community, whether in South African Defence Force or the liberation armies, in the South African war against Angola and other neighbouring states in the 1980s.
  6. Investigate the history of your school through interviews with former learners, parents and other members of the community, focusing on what changes have taken place in education, particularly in terms of attitudes and organization.
4.3 Kucelwa niqaphele oku kulandelayo:
  • Iprojekthi leyo mayisekelwe kuphando lwembali yomlomo.
  • Abafundi mabancediswe ekukhetheni kwabo abantu abaza kuba nodliwano-ndlebe nabo.
  • Abafundi bafanele ukuba bakhokelwe kakhulu ekukhetheni umntu osuka (abantu abasuka) kwindawo abahlala kuyo
  • Inkqubo yokugweba iya kulinganiselwa ngokomgangatho wophando, endaweni yokuba kujongwe uhlobo elulo ingcaciso-ntetho (presentation).
  • Ingcaciso-ntetho ingenziwa ngalo naluphi na ulwimi kwezaseburhulumenteni.
5. Ukhuphiswano looTitshala
5.1 Ootitshala bezikolo eziziisekondari abangenela ukhuphiswano baya kucelwa ukuba bangenise isicwangciso somsebenzi esibonisa indlela ababecwangcise ngayo ukuba baza kuyilungiselela kanjani iprojekthi yembali yomlomo eklasini.
5.2 Kuya kufuneka ootitshala benze ingcaciso-ntetho ngeephothifoliyo zabo kwiphaneli yabagwebi kwaye mabalungiselele loo ngxoxo yephaneli ngephothifoliyo leyo.
5.3 Ootitshala mababandakanye oku kulandelayo kwiphothifoliyo yokhuphiswano:
  • Yaxelelwa kanjani iklasi ngokwenziwa kweprojekthi yembali yomlomo.
  • Yeyiphi inkcazo eyanikwa abafundi malunga nokukhetha nokuthetha nabo bangathi babuzwe imibuzo yodliwano-ndlebe, nokulungiselela nokuqhuba udliwano-ndlebe nokusebenzisa udliwano-ndlebe njengobungqina bokufikelela kwizigqibo ngegalelo laloo mntu.
  • Loluphi ungenelelo olwenziwa ngutitshala ukuncedisa abafundi ukuba bayigqibe le projekthi.
  • Oko utitshala acinga ukuba abafundi bakuzuza ekwenzeni kwabo uphando ngembali yomlomo.
6. Inkqubo yokugweba
6.1 Inkqubo yokugweba iya kwenziwa kwiphondo nge-29 Agasti 2008 nakuzwelonke nge-1 Oktobha 2008 kwisiganeko sikazwelonke.
6.2 Kuya kukhethwa iiphaneli zabagwebi ezibandakanya oosombali (historians) nabaqeshwa bezenkcubeko elilifa lethu (heritage workers) ukuba ngabagwebi kwiphondo nakuzwelonke.
7. IsiGaneko sikaZwelonke
7.1 Kuya kukhethwa abafundi abalishumi kwizikolo eziziisekondari kuwo onke amaphondo njengeeNkosi Albert Luthuli Young Historians ukuba bamele iphondo ngalinye kwisiganeko sikazwelonke ngo-Oktobha 2008. Abafundi baya kulindeleka ukuba benze ingcaciso-ntetho yomlomo (to give an oral presentation) ngophando lwabo kwaye kufuneka babe nekopi ebhaliweyo (hard copy) yesincoko esingophando lwabo ukwenzela abagwebi.
7.2 Kuya kukhethwa kwiphondo ngalinye ootitshala ababini ukuba baye kwisiganeko sikazwelonke kwiYunivesithi yaseFort Hare ngoSeptemba 2006. Kuya kulindeleka ukuba abo titshala babonise iphaneli yabagwebi izicwangciso zomsebenzi wabo
8. Kuqhotyoshelwe apha iikhrayitheriya zokugweba umsebenzi wabafundi.
9. Ukuba unqwenela ukungenela olu khuphiswano, kucelwa uzalise ifom yobhaliso uze uyithumele ngefeksi okanye nge-imeyili kuMcebisi ngezeKharityhulam yezeMbali kwi-FET okwi-EMDC yakho noya kukunika ingcaciso engaphezulu ngenkqubo yokugweba.

UMHLA: 2008:05:28