1. This minute must be read in conjunction with CEMIS Research Minute 0001/2008 of 10 January 2008 and Circular 0046/2007 of 5 September 2007.
2. Full-time learners
2.1 Entries of full-time learners in all public ordinary and independent schools for the November 2008 National Senior Certificate Examination will be handled via the CEMIS database.
2.2 Please ensure that all learners' details are correct and that the subjects are verified and signed off by each learner and parent.
2.3 You were requested to ensure that the data on the CEMIS database for all Grade 12 learners was updated by 4 March 2008. The Directorate: Examinations will download the information on Monday, 17 March 2008.
2.4 You will be supplied with a computer printout during April 2008 of all your learners as registered on CEMIS on 4 March 2008, which must be checked and verified and returned to this office by 16 May 2008.
2.5 It is of the utmost importance that learners are in possession of a valid South African bar-coded ID document, as the 13-digit ID number will be used as their examination number in Grade 12.
2.6 From 2008, there will not be a category for private learners. Schools will, therefore, not be able to move non-performing learners, or learners with unique circumstances, from full-time to private. They will remain full-time learners.
3. ABET Learners
3.1 The National Department of Education has decided to do away with the registration of private learners as from 2008 and, as such, private learners will have to be attached to an institution. Such learners will have to submit CASS marks, otherwise they will receive an incomplete result.
3.2 The current examination system does not provide for the online registration of part-time (ABET) learners. Institutions that have prepared learners in accordance with the new National Senior Certificate curriculum must therefore apply to the Directorate: Examinations for entry forms. The completed entry forms must be submitted to this office by no later than 23 April 2008.
4. Every year the Department experiences major difficulties in finalising the entries for the examination as a result of errors. Also, numerous requests for subject changes have been received after the entries have been finalised, as well as during the examination. In quite a few instances, learners were not even registered, which was only picked up after the learner admission letters were issued. You will appreciate that these requests create immense difficulties during the processing of results and also place an additional workload on the Directorate: Examinations. Please ensure that the registration of learners is correct in all respects. During the November 2007 examination, some learners changed their subjects illegally at a very late stage, which caused numerous problems - such actions could lead to results being declared null and void.
5. Your co-operation will be appreciated.

DATE: 2008:03:17