1. Policy on the National Senior Certificate, as it applies to learners with barriers to learning, is guided by White Paper 6 on Special Needs Education: Building an Inclusive Education and Training System (2001). This white paper states that "Assessment processes will address barriers to learning and current policies, and practices will be reviewed and revised to ensure that the needs of all learners are acknowledged and addressed."
2. The WCED will provide the following adaptations for blind and partially sighted learners who will be writing the National Senior Certificate (November), the Senior Certificate (May-June) and Grade 9 learners writing the CTAs:
2.1 Blind learners will receive question papers that have been converted to Braille. In the event that a question is based on diagrams, pictures or photographs, that question will be replaced by a suitable alternative.
2.2 Learners who are partially sighted will receive a question paper in which the font size will be increased to Arial 16 on A4 paper, while the diagrams will be enlarged and appear in an addendum. However, each diagram will still appear in the question paper in its original size and position so as to assist the learner. The question paper will be printed on coloured paper to assist partially sighted learners.
2.3 In the event that a blind or partially sighted learner is unable to write an examination as a result of an additional disability, the WCED will supply an amanuensis, who will read the question paper and write for the learner.
2.4 Audio tapes will be supplied to blind and partially sighted learners who may need additional help.
3. The following process must be followed when applying for adaptations for blind and partially sighted learners:
3.1 Schools must use the accompanying form to apply for a particular adapted question paper for the Grade 12 final examinations and for the Grade 9 CTAs .
3.2 The total number of learners for which adapted papers are required per subject must be provided in the applicable full-time or part-time column on the form. Details of support per category must also be provided.
3.3 In the event that an amanuensis or audio tape is required, the columns for large print or Braille will not need to be completed as the necessary information is already present in the columns provided for these two additional forms of support.
3.4 The form must be completed and returned to the Directorate: Examinations Administration For attention: Ms B. Calvert by the 23 May 2008. The Directorate will process the forms and pass them on to the Concessions Committee of the WCED for final approval.
4. Schools will receive notice of the Concessions Committee's decision on the application and, if approved, will receive the necessary support material prior to the commencement of the examination(s). Normal security arrangements for examinations will also apply to support material, which must be stored in the school's strongroom.
5. Kindly bring this information to the attention of all teachers at your school.

DATE: 2008:05:06

Form: Statistics per Centre for Visually Impaired Learners  (size: 11 KB)