1. The attention of all FET schools offering Consumer Studies and Hospitality Studies in Grades 10 to 12 is drawn to the following:
1.1 No school may offer the above-mentioned subjects without the necessary infrastructure and equipment.
1.2 Schools already offering Consumer Studies without the necessary infrastructure and equipment must offer an alternative practical assessment task (PAT) for Grade 12 learners in Terms 2 and 3 of 2008. Lists of tasks for both subjects are available from the relevant curriculum advisers in the education districts.
2. For more information on PATs in these subjects, please consult Circular S8 of September 2006.
3. You are kindly requested to bring the content of this minute to the attention of the teachers concerned.

DATE: 2008:06:10

For more information on PATs see  Circular 11 of 2008  or visit the  Examinations and Assessment  section of the WCED Curriculm Development web site ( http://curriculum.pgwc.gov.za ).