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The national Education Management Information System (EMIS) is used to collect, process and disseminate education and training data in order to evaluate the performance of the education system in improving access, equity and quality; monitor the efficiency with which policies are implemented; and track the extent to which previous inequalities are redressed. In pursuance of these objectives, two EMIS surveys are conducted annually (the Snap Survey and the Annual Survey) for ordinary schools, special schools, ABET centres and FET colleges.
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In order to improve the quality of the data collected from the annual school censuses, the national Department of Education has approved the conducting of a national data quality audit over a period of three years, beginning in 2007, and the selecting of any institution to be part of the sample. The Department has appointed a service provider, Khulisa Consortium, to conduct the audit in 4% of the country's 30 185 public and independent ordinary schools, special schools, ABET centres and FET colleges.
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You are therefore requested to ensure that the data supplied in the Snap and Annual Survey forms are collated from the following records:
- The school admission register
- The class attendance registers for the years 2005 to 2007
- Examination promotion schedules for the year 2006
- Personnel records and educator information
- Physical resource records
- A headcount of learners (In this regard, you are required to assemble the
learners in an assembly. Learners will then proceed to their classes once they have been counted. You and the staff are requested to assist with managing of the learners during this process.)
The above records must be available upon request, and should always be kept updated.
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The fieldworkers will contact you closer to the day of the audit. Upon arrival at the school, the fieldworkers will identify themselves by a letter signed by the HEAD: EDUCATION.
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Your support for this initiative will be much appreciated.
DATE: 2007:11:06