1. In keeping with the developmental approach of IQMS, it is compulsory for each school to have a school improvement plan (SIP). The term "school improvement plan" replaces the term "school development plan" (SDP). The reasons for this change are the following:
  • Collective Agreement 8 of 2003 uses the term "school improvement plan". It is, therefore, used throughout the country.
  • Unlike the SDP, which could differ from school to school in terms of focus and format, the SIP is based on the Nine Focus Areas of whole school evaluation (WSE) and the training needs of the staff of the school.
2. The WCED will place the SIPs of all schools on EduInfo Search. This will enable district and Head Office support staff, before visiting a school, to acquaint themselves fully with the intentions of the school, and its training and support needs. It will also facilitate a co-ordinated approach within the WCED when addressing the needs of schools. The progress made by schools with regard to their activities and targets, will also be reported in the SIPs on EduInfo Search.
3. It is acknowledged that most schools have a SIP for 2007. As all principals have recently received training in school self-evaluation (SSE) and the format of the new SIP, schools are requested to draft their SIP for 2008 in the new format. Attention should also be given to focus areas that were not addressed in the SDP. Targets should also be included in the SIP, e.g. Literacy and Numeracy targets.
4. During the SSE, it is imperative that schools respond accurately to the criterion questions on the Nine Focus Areas, so that the SIPs identify the needs of schools and, thereby, give the WCED a clear indication of what needs must be addressed. The attached template for the SIP will be used by all schools.
5. The due date for all 2008 SIPs is 28 November 2007. The Directorate: Quality Assurance will be monitoring progress and answering questions from July to October 2007.

DATE: 2005:06:06

School improvement plans  (size: 6 KB)
Developmental needs of educators  (size: 25 KB)