2.1 |
Entries of full-time learners in all public ordinary and independent schools for the November 2007 Senior Certificate Examination and Grade 11 Examination will be handled via the CEMIS database.
2.2 |
You are urgently requested to ensure that the data for all Grade 11 and 12 learners on the CEMIS database is updated as soon as possible.
2.3 |
Kindly ensure that all learners' details are correct and that the subjects and subject grades are verified and signed off by each learner in Grade 11 and 12. After completion of all fields, you must print a schedule for each entry and check it. After corrections have been made to the learner record, the schedule must be printed again. The head of the institutions must then certify the schedule as correct and submit it to the Western Cape Education Department by no later than Friday, 30 March 2007 to
Head: Education
Western Cape Education Department
For Attention: Ms C Abrahams
Directorate: Examinations
Private Bag X9114
Lower Parliament Street
Cape Town
Telephone number:
021 467 2912
021 467 2913
021 467 2868
021 467 2890
3. |
ABET and Private Learners
3.1 |
The current Examination System does not provide for the online registration of private and part-time learners (ABET). Entry forms (pink i.r.o. part-time (ABET) learners and green for private learners) are therefore included for this purpose. You are kindly requested to complete the enclosed entry forms in respect of the private or part-time (ABET) learners registered at your school/centre for the 2007 Senior Certificate examination, as well as Annexures A and Annexure B.
3.2 |
The completed entry forms and accompanying annexures must please be submitted to the above address to reach this office no later than 15 March 2007.
4. |
Every year the Department experiences difficulties finalising the entries for the examination as a result of errors. Numerous requests for subject and grade changes are also received after the entries have been finalised, as well as during the examination. You will appreciate that these requests create immense difficulties during the processing of results and also place an additional workload on the Directorate: Examinations. Please ensure that the registration of learners is correct in all respects. During the November 2006 examination, numerous learners changed their subjects/grades illegally. This year the Department reserves the right to declare these results null and void.
5. |
Your co-operation will be appreciated.
DATE: 2007:02:16