1. Final list of entries for Full-time and ABET learners

The final list of entries for your school is attached for record purposes. Please check that all the corrections have been made. Schools must confirm in writing by 20 September 2007 that their list is correct in every respect, or indicate errors which still exist.

2. Internal Examination marks for June and September 2007

Kindly remember that the June and September marks must not be forwarded to the Department. It must, however, be readily available when the Department requires the relevant marks, e.g. during an investigation into irregularities. For this reason each principal, or a delegated teacher, must be telephonically contactable during the December holidays. You are also requested to send a copy of your school's mark lists for June and September to the assessment co-ordinator at your EMDC so that the latter can ascertain learners' progress.

3. List of Private learners

Where applicable, a list of private learners who will be writing the examination at your school is included for your information. A copy of this list must be given to the chief invigilator at your school.

4. List of Diacritics

The attached list of learners with diacritics on their name is included. Please indicate the appropriate diacritics in the learner's surname(s) or first name(s) e.g. ê or è etc. If learners have been omitted please add their names on the list. Kindly note that this list must be returned (fax to 021 461 5637) for attention of Ms. C Abrahams.

5. List of Language exemptions

The summary sheet must be completed in respect of all learners registered with the Department who have been exempted from the requirement of having to pass or take a second official language. If a school does not have language exemption learners, a nil return must be submitted. Please fax completed form to Mr G Valentine at 021 461 5637

DATE: 2007:09:11

Summary sheet: List of language exemption learners, November 2007  (size: 9 KB)