1. Schedule of entries for full-time learners
1.1 The schedule of entries for your school is attached in order to check that all the corrections have been made. Schools must confirm in writing by 26 July 2007 that their schedule is correct in every respect.
1.2 If any errors still occur, amendments must be requested via the new facility, the Examination Change Request, which has been included on the CEMIS system by following the process below:
1.2.1 Log onto your school on CEMIS.
1.2.2 Point to "Administration" option, then go to "Exam Change Request" and click on "Application".
1.2.3 No requests, amended schedule of entries, letters, e-mails and/or any other forms of communication will be accepted.
1.2.4 Grade 12 learner transfers are not locked and can still be transacted on CEMIS. If any Grade 12 learner transfers from or to the school are being made, CEMIS will provide Examinations with an update.
1.2.5 Any Grade 12 learner who is not registered, or who is from another province or country, can be registered on your behalf only by the EMIS section. Please call Ms M. Wiese at tel. no. 021 467 2290 in this regard.
2. Schedule of entries for ABET learners
2.1 The schedule of entries in respect of the ABET learners must also be checked thoroughly. Should any errors occur, amendments must be indicated in red on the schedule. These amended schedules must be returned to the Department to reach this office not later than 26 July 2007. If no errors occur, centre managers should still confirm by the above-mentioned date that the schedules are correct in every respect.
2.2 Please submit amended schedules to:
Directorate: Examinations
Grand Central Building
Attention:  Mr S. Adams
5th Floor Room 515
Lower Parliament Street
Cape Town
3. List of private learners

Where applicable, a preliminary list of private candidates who will be writing the examination at your school is included for your information only.

4. Please note that only amended ABET-schedules must be returned to the Department

DATE: 2007:07:11

The documents, referred to in this Minute were sent to schools.