1. Curriculum Development Minute 0072/2007 provided schools with information about the CTA process for 2007. The CTA is administered to Grade 9 learners in the 4th term of the academic year and is the only formal assessment task that is recorded for that term.
2. As stated in Circular 0072/2007, CTA’s for Section B will be delivered to schools, using CEMIS-based registration information.
3. If a school has entered the wrong numbers or learning areas on the CEMIS, the school will be responsible for ensuring that each learner receives the appropriate CTA book(s) in which to do the CTA. In such a situation, the WCED will not deliver any additional copies. However, electronic copies of the appropriate books can be provided by the WCED in order for the school to make additional copies.
4. Queries regarding the packaging and delivery of the CTA’s for Section B must be directed to Mr C Berry at the e-mail address, cberry@pgwc.gov.za or fax no. 021 461 5628
5. Where schools receive the incorrect number of books as a result of a packaging or delivery error by the WCED, they are requested to complete the attached form so as to indicate shortages and to request extra books. Requests must be sent to the fax number or e-mail address given on the form.
6. According to Government Gazette 29626, Section B of the CTA is an externally set task that must be written under strict examination conditions, as for the Senior Certificate examinations. Principals are reminded that they are solely responsible for ensuring that the integrity of this process is not compromised. No learner books or memoranda may be made available to teachers or learners before the dates and times set for the writing of the CTA’s, as given in the national timetable for Section B.
7. The Department is fully aware that schools have a very busy fourth term schedule, and so your efforts to ensure the effective administration of the CTA’s will be highly appreciated.

DATE: 2007:11:02

National Policy on Assessment and Qualifications for schools in the General Education and Training Band (GET)
(Government Gazette No 29626)
  (size: 947 KB)

The attached form, referred to in this Minute, was sent to schools.