1.1 |
Moderation of site-based assessment by the EMDC is a necessary quality assurance procedure, as it checks for policy compliance and allows valuable feedback to educators and centre managers.
1.2 |
EMDC advisers currently use the ABAS 3a/b moderation tool to moderate learner and educator portfolios at adult learning centres.
1.3 |
Site-based assessment marks presented by centres on the ABAS 2 mark sheet are approved by EMDC curriculum advisers, who transfer the marks to the computer schedule supplied by the Examinations Directorate.
2. |
Provincial verification meeting
2.1 |
EMDCs are requested to send their ABET curriculum adviser to the WCED provincial verification meeting, which is to take place on 2 and 3 October 2007 at EMDC: West Coast & Winelands in Paarl. The agenda (Addendum A) of this meeting accompanies this minute.
2.2 |
The curriculum adviser should bring a representative sample of learner portfolios for each learning area to this meeting, where provincial officials will verify the assessment and provide feedback. The portfolios should be representative of all the centres that registered for the October 2007 assessment and should include all the moderated portfolios.
2.3 |
In addition, curriculum advisers must provide the following documentation, which will be used for verifying the process in the EMDC district:
- EMDC district moderation reports - including reports on the standard setting meeting and monitoring meeting held in the EMDC district
- ABET CA moderation files containing the moderation forms and policy documentation
- Educator portfolios per centre per learning area must accompany the learner portfolios, as the provincial moderators will moderate a sample of portfolios as part of the verification process.
3. |
UMALUSI-ABET Level 4 verification meeting
3.1 |
The agenda (Addendum B) of this meeting accompanies this minute. Three Umalusi moderators will visit the Western Cape on 4 and 5 October 2007 to verify the moderation of the ABET Level 4 site-based assessment. The moderators will monitor the moderation processes of the Western Cape Education Department and verify the moderation of portfolios for the following two learning areas.
- Mathematical Literacy
- English
3.2 |
The ABET curriculum advisers are requested to attend this meeting and to bring at least 10% of the portfolios per centre per learning area for the two learning areas mentioned above. Where fewer than ten learners have registered for the October assessment, all portfolios must be brought to the meeting.
3.3 |
Educator portfolios per centre per learning area must accompany the learner portfolios, as the Umalusi moderators will moderate a sample of portfolios as part of the verification process.
3.4 |
In addition, the Umalusi moderators will host a special feedback meeting for educators who teach the above two learning areas. These educators are invited to attend the meeting at the EMDC: West Coast & Winelands in Paarl on 5 October 2007 from 13:30 to 15:30.
3.5 |
EMDCs are requested to inform Mr CJ Hanson (chanson@pgwc.gov.za) by 28 September 2007 of the number of educators in their districts who wish to attend the meeting.
4. |
The presence of the ABET curriculum advisers at these meetings is vital to the providing of feedback to centres, and every effort should be made to attend.
DATE: 2007:09:25