1. Background
1.1 The improvement of the literacy and numeracy levels of Foundation Phase learners is a priority and is an integral part of the WCED's Literacy and Numeracy Strategy. The baseline assessment of learners has been identified as critical to this strategy.
1.2 In 2006, Grade 1 teachers were provided with a WCED Baseline Assessment Programme and a tool, Early Identification of Need for Support, as resources. In 2006 and 2007 these resources were used by Grade 1 teachers.
1.3 Feedback on the WCED Baseline Assessment Programme has been gathered from teachers, officials and independent research, and a number of recommendations have been adopted. The WCED Baseline Assessment Programme has therefore been revised to accommodate the recommendations.

2. Provincial workshop
2.1 The revised WCED Grade 1 Baseline Assessment Programme will be presented to schools at cluster workshops during the 4th term. These workshops will take place over 2½ hours in the afternoon.
2.2 The EMDCs will notify schools of dates and venues for clusters/circuits. Each school is strongly advised to attend, with the following representation at the workshop:
  • Grade 1: up to 4 teachers per school
  • The Foundation Phase HOD
  • The learning support teacher
  • The school principal
2.3 The workshop will provide educators with an opportunity to deepen their knowledge and understanding of baseline assessment. Participants will get the opportunity to
  • clarify their understanding of baseline assessment;
  • go through the revised material and get to know the contents;
  • clarify the different options for implementation of the WCED 2008 provincial Baseline Assessment Programme; and
  • use the resource material effectively.
2.4 Schools attending these workshops will receive copies of the revised material at the workshop. Those who do not attend should arrange to collect their material from the EMDC.
2.5 After the workshop it is expected that participants will be able to do the following:
  • Demonstrate a common understanding of baseline assessment.
  • Understand how to use findings from the baseline assessment
  • Understand and be able to use the strengthened and streamlined Grade 1 Baseline Assessment Programme
  • Understand and be able to select and use alternative options for Grade 1 Baseline Assessment
3. Conclusion

This is an opportunity for school curriculum managers to enable their teachers to engage with colleagues and officials in a common, provincial workshop on this important aspect of assessment. Principals are therefore warmly invited to attend with their staff.

Following these workshops, the WCED looks forward to the successful implementation of baseline assessment in 2008.

DATE: 2007:09:28