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WCED senior curriculum planners for GET Languages and FET Life Orientation wish to promote careers in African languages among Grade 9 learners in EMDC: South Cape & Karoo district.
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While learners in the metropolitan EMDC districts frequently have the opportunity to attend open days at tertiary education institutions, this is not the case for learners in rural EMDC districts. Hence the decision to hold the above-mentioned Expo for Grade 9 learners in the EMDC: South Cape & Karoo district on 6 October 2007.
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Grade 9 learners interested in careers in African Languages must be selected by Language and Life Orientation teachers in each school. Such learners should demonstrate a strong performance and interest in African languages, but additional selection criteria may also be used. Schools at which the learners are predominantly Xhosa-speaking may send up to four learners to the Expo, while other schools may send one or two learners.
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Lecturers from four institutions of higher learning in the province will present two three-hour sessions in the EMDC boardroom in George on 6 October 2007. Learners from the Central Karoo area will attend the first session, from 09:00 to 12:00. Learners from George and nearby areas will attend the second session, from 13:00 to 16:00.
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A variety of professionals with careers in the African languages will also be present at these sessions to share their expertise and experience with learners attending the Expo.
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WCED African Language and Life Orientation teachers will be reimbursed for travel expenses. It is therefore essential that each teacher who travels in his or her own car brings the following to the Expo:
- Persal number
- Registration details of the vehicle used for transport
- Vehicle kilometre readings
Teachers using public transport (bus and taxi services), must attach official receipts to their claims. Where teachers travel with learners in mini-buses, claims must be accompanied either by receipts issued or by a letter from their school principal stating expenses incurred. Teachers must submit verified claims to Mrs L Ngondo at the Expo on 6 October 2007.
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Principals are requested to bring this minute to the attention of all concerned.
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Your support in promoting career opportunities in the field of African Languages will be much appreciated.
DATE: 2007:09:03