1. The Department of Education (Directorate: Race and Values) has an agreement with the persons involved in The Mass Media Project, the producers of the Heartlines series. This series was broadcast on national TV between 6 July 2006 and 10 September 2006.
2. The aim of this agreement is to distribute an abbreviated version of the series to all secondary schools in the country, together with a teacher's guide, for the use in Life Orientation in the Further Education and Training (FET) Band.
3. The series focuses on the teaching of values and relates to the requirements for Learning Outcome 1 (Personal well-being) in the subject, Life Orientation, in the FET Band.
4. Every high school in the Western Cape Province will receive three copies of the DVD and three copies of the teacher's guide. These will be for the use of the Life Orientation teachers in Grades 10 and 11 as an additional resource.
5. DVDs and teacher's guides will be posted to schools on 1 September 2007.
6. Principals are requested to bring the contents of this minute to the attention of the Life Orientation teachers in the FET Band and also to ensure that Life Orientation teachers have access to the DVD's and teacher's guides.

DATE: 2007:08:28